I had almost decided on the Central Queensland University MLitt program in History when I read some of your comments on this University. Now I am again undecided and would appreciate some advice. Some of the other Universities I had been considering: - University of Melbourne, Australia - Monash University, Australia These two require a previous background in Hstory which I do not have so that is the first hurdle. The other options were: - Athabasca University, Canada - University of Denver, U.S.A - Califonia State University, Dominguez Hills, U.S.A - Fort Hays State University, U.S.A I was hesitant about these because of the courses on offer which are unrelated to my area of interest. I would then have a fairly limited choice in courses. However if there is such a problem with the acceptance of CQU's degree then I would prefer a more recognized program. Any recomendations? Thanks Pami
Hi Pami: I have not been part of the discussion of CQU in general. I just looked at the MLitt materials. It's not always clear how to translate Australian points into US credit hours, so it *may* be a bit short for a master's. The substance of the thing ain't bad, however, especially given your lack of undergraduate background in history. The stress on method and theory will be useful in light of that. Athabasca is well-regarded but expensive, esp. for non-Canadians. Fort Hays is one of the cheapest US RA schools. I thought about the history master's there also, and like you found it less focused than I cared for. That's a comment on scope, not rigor. Many have used CSUDH. Denver--I know nothing. REcheck old threads using the search function, if you have not done so already. I don't know what your specific field of interest is, but another possibility might be American Military University, especially if they obtain RA this spring. Their list of master's level courses in history--not all of which are strictly military history by any means--is impressive. AMU now has "only" NA (DETC) accreditation, which will limit its usefulness quite a lot if you intend to go on for a doctorate. I'm afraid these are more random chunks rather than terribly specific data, but best of luck to you in your investigations, and welcome aboard.
I am considering the Sam Houston State MA in Military History. They seem to offer a large selection of courses through DL. The thesis is optional. Also, SHSU has the advantages of being an accredited, Brick and Mortar school with name recognition because they play Division I football. Most of all, they seem to be the only school with these qualifications that offers a traditional graduate history program in the U.S. completely through distance learning. Does anyone have any opinions? Here's the link: http://www.shsu.edu/~dl_www/mahist.html
Hi Pami - Since you seem interested in Australian programs, I could mention that there seems to be Masters programs in History at Charles Sturt University Macquarie University and University of New England If you're willing to consider British programs you might want to look at University of Wales-Lampeter University of Wales-Aberystwyth University of Teeside University of Luton and University of Kent at Canterbury Beyond those choices there's always UNISA. Happy hunting, Jack
Before you enroll... But before you enroll, consider the environment to which you are aspiring to; namely, the rampant political correctness that abjures study of such fields as military and diplomatic history! See the recent testimony of Prof K C Johnson (CUNY-Brooklin College) before Congress on this matter, then decide. http://hnn.us/articles/1765.html Sam Houston State's program looks very good to me IF you can live with its limitations, i.e., how you will be perceived by the professoriate; otherwise, seek elsewhere. For these reasons I'd prefer the Monash program, myself. --Orson
Luton doesn't teach history any more. All history teaching was canned a year or two ago. As far as I'm aware, Aber only offers an MA in archive studies by DL, rather than a pure history MA; UKC and Teeside offer no DL in history at all; Lampeter has almost finished converting their courses to DL, but you may still have to do some time at Lampeter. Angela
MA in History Hi everyone! Thanks for your input to my query. I have started working on some of the options and hope to find the right program soon. Pami
Straight online M.A. in history from University of Louisiana at Monroe: ULM's Gateway to Online Degrees (GOLD): Master of Arts (MA) in History Tuition isn't bad either. Out of state waived for online students.
I haven't seen the previous discussion about Central Queensland so I don't knw what sort of comments have made you hesitate about enrolling in the Master of Letters in hisory. What I can say is that it is a completely legitimate university and is quite well known in Australia. Because of government regulation of education in Australia, we don't have the problems that some countries do with dubious universities. Another point is that there is no stigma attached to distance or online universities in Australia. Many of our universities offer such courses and external students have to meet the same standards as internal. With that out of the way, I have looked at this particular degree myself and decided against it because I already had an M.Litt in another field and didn't want two degrees of the same name. Had the degree been called something else, I might well have done it. I notice that somebody wisely suggested that you might like to consider the University of New England. I have been working on a Master of History from that university. I have had to take this year off study because my home was flooded in January and I have more than enough on my plate this year. You might like to take a look at that particular degree. There is a compulsory theory subject and either a minor or major research project along with 6 or 7 courses or subjects. If you prefer, you can do exactly the same work in an MA. With the MA you don't have to do the theory subject or research project but can make it all course work, to the best of my knowledge. While the Master of History is purely history (but you can combine modern and ancient), you can include subjects from other fields in the MA. A final point to bear in mind, an Australian dollar is now worth more than an American one.
Please bear in mind that this thread is now 8 years old. Hopefully the op has finished their degree by now.
Others might do the logical thing and search the threads before asking this oft-asked question again. That's why I added my post. BTW, I'm interested in ULM so I wrote to ask them whether they'd make me take the GRE again. I've taken it twice and I still have both my original score reports I could provide copies of. I absolutely refuse to take that damned thing again. It's positively criminal that the scores are reportable for only five years.
Yes, they might also refer to our sticky thread on MA History programs. http://www.degreeinfo.com/distance-learning-discussions/30213-ma-history-question.html
There is an inexpensive, fully accredited, fully online Masters Degree in History, or Political Science or Humanities (all of them "teachable" subject masters degrees) at American Public University (American Public University System - Official Site - 877-755-2787). Check out Free Education Resources - Home.