LLB University of London Online

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Futuredegree, Feb 27, 2024.

  1. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    And again, a U.S. J.D. is still the best credential to be a U.S. lawyer. You might be eligible for advanced standing?

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    I think British LLB and US ABA LLMB are the best routes for Americans whose primary goal is not to be a lawyer but, at a certain point, want to be a lawyer (limited options).
    1). Really affordable (University of London's LLB $6,500.00, University of Arizona's LLM $16,000.00)
    2). Might be shorter (LLB: 9 courses, LLM: 8 courses)

    The cheapest online ABA JD is the University of Hawaii's (90 credits at $971, ~$90,000).
  3. jonlevy

    jonlevy Active Member

    Not the best choices - best deal is the non ABA online Northwestern California University School of Law - you just need a LSAT score to access the 4 years online program all for under $15,000 total. Pass the California Bar Exam (no First Year Exam required) and you are not limited to California once you learn the ropes of multijurisdictional practice.
    nosborne48 likes this.
  4. BlueMason

    BlueMason Audaces fortuna juvat

    I will be called here in June of 2025; I am looking into other possibilities that exclude having to do another LL.M., but I'm ok with it if need be.
    Jonathan Whatley likes this.
  5. BlueMason

    BlueMason Audaces fortuna juvat

    University of Law in London is synchronous and saved me one year as Canada's NCA required 1 year of in-person learning as the LL.B. was done through synchronous; asynchronous would have required two-years of in-person learning. I completed the senior status LL.B. (2 years) and 1 year Global Professional LL.M. at the University of Toronto. Received the "Certificate of Qualification" from the NCA (meaning I have equivalent legal education to a Canadian Law degree) and am good to go. I also was able to work the entirety of the LL.B. and the LL.M.

    US Law degrees are -expensive-, and if you factor in the exchange rate now (since the Can Dol is pathetically low due to the inept government), it would be insane to do it.
  6. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    US law degrees can be tuition free IF you pick the right school, study full time in residence, have awesome LSAT scores, and don't mind profiting from another's poor judgment.

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