Liberty University and my new plans.

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by b4cz28, Dec 31, 2010.

  1. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Ok took a look at the Human Growth and Development course.....ouch a 4 page paper on plagiarism? and then a 15 to 20 page paper on a research topic! Well I guess its grad school so its going to be harder.
  2. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    I have not had that large of a paper required even in the doctoral program. In my experience, most were the usual 5 -7 or 8 - 10.
  3. eilla05

    eilla05 New Member

    I was going to go this exact route except not with Liberty! I was going to get my LPC etc. My only piece of advice is to go to your state license board and make for sure that Liberty's program matches up with their educational requirements. Which plan are you going to take the 48 or 60? I would recommend the 60 if your thinking 48 as almost all states require 60 hours now. Would love to chat with you about your decision! I was so close to choosing the same program and path but changed at the last minute, however its still on my radar for when we stop moving around and actually chose what state we are going to be in!
  4. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    In Texas all you need is 48 hours. I would do the 60 but the way I look at it, that's just way more than I need and I'm going to be paying out of pocket. I see your almost done with your degree! What's next?
  5. StefanM

    StefanM New Member

    No worries, the paper ended up being a 10-15 page paper in the class :).

    Your mileage may vary when you take the class, though.

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    "Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" lol
  7. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Death, please.
  8. StefanM

    StefanM New Member

    ROFL. :wiggle:
  9. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    I know a guy named Guido who can arrange that for you.
  10. Petedude

    Petedude New Member

    That you didn't put up a website to get collections. After all, Wikipedia squeezed five bucks outta me last week. . . :)
  11. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    I no longer mess with paypal so I doubt I would do very good. lolz

    On the Wiki front I think they just need to sell ads to bring in the funds needed to operate.
  12. eilla05

    eilla05 New Member

    You don't ever plan to leave Texas? Are you close to any other states? I know its more expensive but it could be worth it if you might want to work in other states even those close to home.

    I am starting a Masters degree in Administration Justice with concentration in Criminal Behavior at Wilmington University March 7th (if all goes well). My plans at this point are to get my Maters in AJ and then get a 2nd Masters in Counseling once we stop traveling/moving with my husband's job in a few years. Although I could decide I am happy with my first masters and not get the second. I feel relief since making this decision so maybe its a sign!

    Whatever you do good luck to you! I had a 10-15 page research paper due in my capstone course last term its really not that bad ;) at this point I can write 5 pages and under in less than a day! You get used to it, I can say that I will be glad to write papers for classes other than psychology!
  13. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Why would I want to leave Texas!?! Not only is it the greatest state in the Union, but I have high hopes on us leaving it and forming our own nation once more. If they were to hold a vote right now I feel that the vast majority of Texans would vote in favor of leaving! All joking aside, I will never ever leave Texas. I plan on doing Liberty’s PhD in Counseling if I like and finish their masters in counseling. So what job field are you trying to get into with the human services undergrad and the AJ masters?
  14. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    And if you held a vote, the vast majority in the other 49 states would vote in favor of letting you! :joke:

    Sorry, couldn't resist -- but what I really think is that a lot of people would be better off if their state broke away. Any state whose residents send more tax money to Washington than they get back from it, for example, and that's without considering the advantage of nimbleness that comes from being smaller.

  15. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

  16. eilla05

    eilla05 New Member


    As my for my plans at this point I am thinking prisoner rehabilitation or working in victimology (yes I know 2 different fields both of which interest me though). My ultimate dream would be getting into the FBI for behavior analysis but that is nothing but a pipe dream :) . I have also considered probation and parole. My thinking was both of my degrees will be in something interesting to me and both will be able to be applied to a variety of fields. I would really love to do forensic psychology as well. My 2nd Masters could very well be in forensic psychology instead of counseling but that is still up for debate!

    What are your plans with the counseling? what field are you wanting to go into?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2011
  17. Hadashi no Gen

    Hadashi no Gen New Member

    Maybe too late to reply, but yes... there are online SW programs. University of New England and the University of Southern California are two of them. Both are well respected Social Work programs.
  18. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Never to late...thanks for the info
  19. Hadashi no Gen

    Hadashi no Gen New Member

    I posted this in another thread, but I will post it here too. Liberty University, even though it probably has a decent Counseling program, does not have CACREP-accreditation. This means that you will not be able to be licensed in many states, can not work for the US government (DoD, VA, etc) or receive TriCare insurance (the military's health insurance), and will not be able to take the NCE during your counseling program. You will also not be able to qualify for the NCC credential (not a license, a credential) for a couple of years post-graduation. Many states are beginning to include CACREP and NCC into the state professional counseling statues... and when those change, they change. Lots of people are having to take extra classes after graduation to meet state requirements, because their program did not prepare them for the changes that would happen (UNT, for example).

    There are some programs that are online that are CACREP-accredited though. See them here: Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs - Directory. It would be in the inetrest for anyone thinking about doing an online counseling degree (or any counseling degree, for that matter) to check out programs that have the accreditation first. It's not always better, and not always required... but the fact that you can not work for the VA, DoD, or receive TriCare (in a time when many vets are returning with PTSD) is enough reason for me.

    Also, most Counselor Education programs now require that new instructors have a PhD from a CACREP-accredited Counseling PhD program. Liberty's is not.

    Not a Liberty-bashing post... just informing everyone to think and look at all of the angles.

    Best of luck to all of you.
  20. graymatter

    graymatter Member

    I don't believe this to be an accurate representation at all. While most states require coursework from each of the CACREP areas, they do not require that they be taken at a CACREP school. My MA in Counseling is from a non-CACREP school and I'm licensed as LPC in three states. I am on nearly all major insurance panels and this has never been an issue.

    There are states that require specific courses beyond CACREP recommendations but this is the case for all students who take counseling degrees outside the state in which they plan to practice.

    I am locating in central Virginia and provide LPC supervision to a number of graduates from LU (including their PhD program). They are indeed license-eligible - here in Virginia and elsewhere.


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