Let's get organised together! Obsidian and Quartz are diamonds!

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by housecat, May 12, 2024.


Have you used Obsidian and/or Quartz?

  1. Yes, I have been using Obsidian but NOT Quartz for more than a year!

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yes, I have been using Obsidian but NOT Quartz for less than a year!

    0 vote(s)
  3. Yes, I have been using Obsidian AND Quartz for more than a year!

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes, I have been using Obsidian AND Quartz for less than a year!

    0 vote(s)
  5. Obsidian is like petting the fur backwards! (Bad results, bitten!)

    0 vote(s)
  6. This has convinced me to check these out!

    0 vote(s)
  7. No thank you, housecat!

    0 vote(s)
  1. housecat

    housecat Member

    Ok so to start this the super-brief on my background I was born with a keyboard in my mouth (too bad no silver spoon) and now I'm old. Started with Commodore VIC-20 and my parents bought that out of a garage sale so super old even when I got it back in ye old 80's.

    Since then a lot has happened and I've trained up on a lot of different fields, including physical sciences (chem/bio/radio/enviro/etc.), computers, and business, and quite a spread within those fields.

    Anyway in the sciences, it was all paper-based. And I mean it was a ton of paper, I stored it in 22 bankers boxes in my parents' basement for ages before I decided to scan a good portion of it. it's super disorganised and not OCR'd although we now have AI methods for OCR now. Having this problem and having all the rest of my work as well, has really brought forward front and centre the need to claw through all this, have it ready and accessible for whenever I want it and keep organised.

    The paltry 10GB offered for free on pCloud doesn't offer enough so I may need to buy lifetime storage when I get the cash, but really, the biggest deal of this is I really sort of "found" Obsidian. I've known about it for some time but I was like "meh I'll check it out later" and during my studies at ENEB I was like okay as soon as I'm done this, I need to dive into Obsidian.

    Obsidian is note taking software, open-sourced, and is free to use, except if you want syncronisation and/or publishing capabilities, those are paid services. This software has a cat's hoard worth of community plugins extending the functionality, and as my garage-saling cheapbutt side of me found a more-or-less free publishing system called Quartz. So I have my quartz going, and I am starting to make a notebook full of information I can access later when I want it at hand. It uses popular markdown formatting as is the popular custom in the programming world basically inked by ubiquitous Github.

    One of the brilliant uses of this is I am going through my 8000+ bookmarks in Chrome (yep not an boast unfortunately) and making articles as to why they are useful and why I bookmarked the websites in the first place. This makes more sense to pounce on this and not let it grow anymore!

    Please note I put this thread here because I feel it's maybe more of a distance-ed tool, but now I think about it, maybe in-class too could be appropriate.

    Anyone else use Obsidian and/or Quartz?
    Post your thoughts and feelings below! :emoji_zap:

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