KKK Robert Byrd Back to Suppressing Blacks

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by BLD, Jan 26, 2005.

  1. Tom57

    Tom57 Member

    No, the dems don't have "the" racist history. As Carl pointed out, the racism party of today is, by and large, the Repubs. Since the early 60's Civil Rights Movement, and the changes that started with Kennedy and then Johnson, the Dems have been the ones pushing for civil rights changes. That's 40 years!! Perhaps not a long time in the overall scheme of things, but certainly a good percentage of our lives.

    So why are you assuming that it's still 1955 when it comes to the party profile?
  2. BLD

    BLD New Member

    Tell that to Colin Powell, Condi Rice, etc....

  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I'm sorry Tom, but you're incorrect. Lyndon Johnson could not get the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed because many Democrats opposed it. He had to count on the Republicans to get it passed. This is a fact of history, Tom.

    Republican Senate Majority Leader, Everette Dirkson, Illinois, pushed it through Congres.

    96 Democrats voted against the Bill in the House while only 34 Republicans voted against it.

    In he Senate, 22 Democrats voted against it while only 6 Republicans voted against it.

    The Bill would not have passed had it not been for the Republicans.

    You talk about Kennedy. History shows JFK was weak on civil rights. Recently released tapes show those in the Civil Rights movement became increasingly frustrated with him. Had it not been for Bobby Kennedy, what little progress made during the three year's of the JFK administration, would not have taken place. You can check all this out, Tom, it's true, factual, and accurate.

    In the 26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes.

    You can check all this out, Tom, it's true, factual, and accurate.

    Not one single Republican Senator opposed Rice for Secretary of State. The 13 who voted against her were Democrats. Black organizations are already gearing up to stage major opposition to those who voted against Rice and to those who were highly critical of her during the confirmation hearings.

    As I have stated, for every one Republican racist politician you can name, I can name at least five Democratic racist politicians.
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    One more interesting fact, every single member of Congress who was a member of the KKK was a Democrat. Not one single Republican member of Congress had ever been a KKK member.

    Democrat Harry Truman was even a member of his local Jackson County, Missouri, KKK. Democrat Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black was in the Klan.

    Truman on one man being as good as another:

    Truman quit the Klan but referred to blacks as the "n"word in his speeches.

    Again, facts anyone who has even elementary research skills can verify!
  5. BLD

    BLD New Member

    This is why I am so amazed that the Dems have been able to convince the majority of black voters that they are somehow their friends. The Republicans have really blown it in the public relations area concerning this issue. The Dems have consistently been anti-minority throughout their history (including the present era). I about puked when people started calling Clinton the "first black president." The implication was that that was the closest black people would ever get to reaching the presidency. I think Bush's appointments are proving that not only is it possible for blacks to attain the presidency, but highly probable in our lifetime.

  6. qvatlanta

    qvatlanta New Member

    I seriously doubt there is going to be any big outcry among major black organizations in favor of Rice. She has horrible approval ratings among black constituents, as opposed to Colin Powell's very favorable ones.

    The conservative outrage implies that Democrats should have rolled over and accepted her JUST BECAUSE SHE IS A BLACK WOMAN. Never mind her policies or her record, she should be accepted because of her race alone. An attitude like this partly explains why black republicans are vastly ournumbered by black democrats. Because of the long history of blacks in the democratic party, black democratic politicians are held more to the same standards as white and other politicians. They are not 1) put on a pedestal 2) because of their exceptionalism, expected to make up for the fact that the rest of their race is so deluded as to vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

    I think the Democratic party is also guilty of some of this when it comes to white rural voters. Just because one constituency rejects your party, I don't think they should be labeled as more easily deluded than the the ones that support your party; you have to look more deeply into the reasons why they feel the other party supports them better.
  7. BLD

    BLD New Member

    That is what the Dems have been saying for years. Ever heard of "quotas"?

    The great news about Condi Rice is that she is one of the most qualified Secretary of States in history. Her being black has nothing to do with her being in the position. It is her qualifications that put her there. Unlike Dems, Republicans aren't putting minorities in these positions just for "show" but because they people they place there actually are the best ones for the job.

  8. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member

    Re: Re: KKK Robert Byrd Back to Suppressing Blacks

    Byrd and Delay are, in my opinion, the biggest POS disgraces in the Congress and Senate. Both of these men make Lott look like a choirboy.

    It amazes me how some people with this type of character can be elected time and time again. I guess only in WV for Byrd (and only in TX for Delay)
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    And, Barry, Clinton is on record as having used the "n" word while campaigning for various offices in Arkansas.

    Clinton has, on more than one ocassion, called former Arkansas Senator William J. Fullbright (D) his "mentor."

    Fullbright was one of the biggest racists in American politics and opposed every piece of civil rights legislation that came up in Congress.

    You're correct, Barry, the GOP has been poor at PR. I guess they feel actions are stronger than rhetoric.
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I am sorry to tell you, but you are incorrect. Julian Bond is already leading the way.

    And, a major civil rights organization is voicing "outcry," The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). CORE was founded in 1942.
  11. Veteran101

    Veteran101 New Member

    Hail Grand Dragon Bobby

    I read with quite a smirk on the many messages regarding the Grand Dragon, Sen. Byrd.

    The history of Sen Byrd and his history as with much of WV politics is very interesting. Actually, some people say why I do not support the Democrat party is because I was born and lived in the state of West Virginia for 26 years.

    Byrd is not only a racist, Byrd is an old school New Deal dyed in the wool yellow dog socialist from way back in the 1918 timeframe of which he was born.

    It is common knowledge that Byrd was a Grand Dragon of the WV chapter of the KKK in the 50's. And with his politics his views have not changed much either. Byrds re-elections continued because, unfortunately, he held a state by virture of pork barrell policy and government dependence.

    Through years of Byrd, Rockefeller, Moore (a lifelong Democrat, turned Republican to beat out another ole boy of the Charleston machine) WV has held the lead with the highest poverty rate state, highest unemployment state, lowest income state, and a 5 year hold on #8 of the highest taxed state in the nation.

    One of the most recent factoids of Byrds self-serving fiasco's was the RT9 corridor. This is a rural route that flows off Route 7 into the Northeast Panhandle of WV. In the late 70's and early 80's, Grand Dragon Byrd bought a nice getaway home in the Woods Resort overlooking the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains. Unfortunate for Grand Dragon Byrd, he had to travel a two lane Rural route from his DC abode to his lavish luxury home in West By God. All the sudden, out of the blue, poof!!! A multi-million dollar project paid by your tax dollars to create the bypass corridor on Rt9 and turn this twisted road into a 4 lane hi-way!!!
    After a few year about 10 miles of the highway was built, then Grand Dragon Byrd was counting his years and sold his home in the hills... Guess what??? all the sudded poof!!! The dollars and construction ceased. Heck, there is one exit there to nowhere. Just exit and crash into a berm.

    Another good story I can share off the record is on Sen. Rockefeller. Heck this crook, bought many a coal mine in West By God. I can remember my days in school back in the 70's. Yes, heated by a coal furnace. Jay needs cash!!! UMW goes on strike!!!
    Schools closed, kids happy!!! Coal commodity goes up!!!! Jay pockets a few mil!!! Stike done!!! back to normal for another year..

    My West By God Virginia. My home, my native home. So beautiful.
    Unfortunately, since June 20, 1863, it has been a solid Democrat state with a 2, 3, and 4 to 1 majority hold on the house. From Grand Dragon Byrd, to A. James Manchin and now his socialist son.

    If you ever want an old yellow dog Democrat lesson and what it can do for you in the long run, just study the politics of WV.

    Oh yes, to my friend Tom. The party is that of racism. From the days of the Civil war and slavery of work to the days of your hero LBJ and his Section 8 economic slavery of today. It was LBJ who referred to his house man as his little N******

    Ok, I'll stop now.:D
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Hail Grand Dragon Bobby

    I forgot about this. Thanks for reminding me.
  13. qvatlanta

    qvatlanta New Member

    How is Julian Bond leading the way? He lacks political motivation for defending Rice and also personal motivation, because of the IRS investigation into the NAACP for his anti-Bush comments. If he is going to defend Rice it would present an absolutely radical and drastic about-face. This from an article 2 weeks ago:

    "He said a double standard allowed the White House to consider affirmative action preferential treatment, but not the admission of someone to Yale University because his father went there. Both President Bush and his father attended Yale.

    Bond further argued that the Bush administration had used Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and Secretary-designate Condoleezza Rice as "shields" to protect it from allegations of racism."

    CORE is nowhere near as big as the NAACP and is headed by a staunch conservative. This supports the basic and totally logical premise:

    black conservatives like Rice.
    white conservatives like Rice.
    black liberals hate Rice.
    white liberals hate Rice.

    Where's the racist conspiracy in that?
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    1. Julian Bond spoke in favor of Rice the day of the vote.

    2. CORE is becoming a leading Civil Rights organization and the NAACP is rapidly losing ground among blacks.

    3. Not all white and black liberals hate Rice. Many liberals voted for her.
  15. qvatlanta

    qvatlanta New Member

    1. Saying that she's qualified for the job is one thing, saying he likes her and anyone who doesn't is a racist is quite another. We'll have to wait and see if he does this; I seriously doubt it.
    2. The NAACP is losing members, that's true. But CORE is simply gaining media attention, not membership. I actually reconsider calling Roy Innis of CORE a conservative, although he has been acting kind of conservative lately. I didn't know this before but he is an absolute nutcase and I don't think "right-minded" conservatives or libertarians should really want to ally themselves with him. His record includes defending Lyndon LaRouche and giving Idi Amin a lifetime CORE membership.
    3. The fact that some liberals voted for her doesn't support much of an argument either way.
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Actually, Niger Innis, for all practical purposes, runs CORE nowadays. The NAACP, of which I have been a member for more than 20 years, doesn't have a stellar history either. Some of their actions during the past several years would make its founders ashamed.

    I am seriously considering joining CORE and not renewing my NAACP membership. Crisis magazine is still a fairly well balanced organ and I can always subscribe without renewing my membership.

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