Even as the Democratic scare campaign to imput Pubbies with a draft has worked, scaring the young against them ("The National Annenberg Election Survey found that 51 percent of adults age 18 to 29 believe Bush wants to reinstate the draft." http://www.newsday.com/news/politics/ny-usdraf094000017oct09,0,1217587.story?coll=ny-uspolitics-headlines) - now I find out that Kerry endorses it! http://web.archive.org/web/20040210043828/www.johnkerry.com/issues/natservice/ Sure, he calls it "national service" but this is just a draft by another more friendly fascist name. THIS, the fact that its on Kerry's own website, shows the utter uselessness of the dead tree society (mainstream print media - not that anyone in the old electronic media was any different)! Of course, the House voted the Dems plan down four-hundred something to 2 Wednesday. I have come not just to loath Dems - but HATE their routinized brain-numbed demagoguery!!!!! It's everywhere! (KILL BRAZILLE, KILL MCAULIFFE, crush the infamous thing!) "Democratic demagoguery" - it's got a nice ring, but how do you kill a "strategy?" -Orson
Compensated volunteering Well, it does use really offensively fascist language. I mean "Creating a New Army of Patriots"? Yikes. However, in fairness the page references neither refers to a military draft nor to forcing people into national service. It seems more oriented toward paying people through things like student loan forgiveness while still calling it volunteering. -=Steve=-
It is was certainly Kerry's party that introduced the bill to reinstitute the draft--Charles Rangel and Robert "KKK" Byrd. Rangel voted against his own bill! Bring back Adam Clayton Powell!
Involuntary servitute it still is. "Many Americans do full time service. John Kerry believes that in these times, we need to bolster these efforts with a nationwide commitment to national service." Now the relevant term is "bolster." Has anyone ever heard a reporter ask Kerry: "Just how would you 'bolster' 'a nationwide commitment to national service' without invoking a draft?" Not I. -Orson
The question I would like to see asked is in reference to his oft-made statement about adding 40,000 new soldiers to the army. Just how would he do that? No one has asked. Kit
Orson, you condemn demagoguery even as you use the very same excessively to make your silly points. You're a hypocrite. Even if we accept, for the sake of argument, that a draft is necessary. Let's all ask ourselves why a draft would be necessary in the first place. The answer: blunderpuss Bush. Yes, Bush in his eagerness to be a glorious "War President" blundered his way into Iraq and made a stinking mess of it. Thank you, Geoge Bush, for even making "talk" of a draft necessary.
"young" people afraid A CBC radio journalist questioned (several months ago) a big wheel in your gov't regarding the draft. While this guy stated the draft was not on the horizon, the journalist asked if the draft ever did come up, would women be drafted? You could almost hear this guy bristle at the idea! In icy tones he stated that the US constitution has no provisions for drafting women. So, I guess scared young people is more PC language crap.. BOYS are the only 'Mericans who need fear for their lives! The same liberals who scream about women's rights are silent so silent on the combat issue... I was in the states some years ago and in a post office I saw a poster TELLING YOUNG MEN it was their freakin DUTY to register! How could any fair minded GIRL or WOMAN not slink away in SHAME that only males must bear the burden and pay the price of inclusion as a citizen? Equal rights for all!! When it comes to defending those rights, heck.. just throw BOYS at the enemy! You girls just go on with your lives, go to university, do your thing... only merican BOYS need be afraid! I hope WHEN the draft is instituted we in Canada reap the benefit of all those young MEN who must leave the country they love, based only the sex! Equal rights must equate to equal responsibility for ALL citizens!
Yes, you are quite correct Jimmy. It was the Demo's who put up the bill. However, if you read the text of the bill along with it's intent, Rangel wanted to make it so there were no deferrements or no weaseling to the National Guard. If you were drafted, you will go - period. Finish college later - no intervention allowed. During Vietnam, I beleive the figure was only 20% of the eligible males actually served - the rest either figured out a way to weasel, or didn't get called up.
Re: "young" people afraid Apparently you haven't read the congressional bills that started all these news stories and circulating emails about young people worried about a reinstituted military draft. Both the House and Senate bills would require military service, by conscription, for all Americans between the ages of 18 to 25, including males and females. You can read the bills at the Thomas register site: http://thomas.loc.gov/ To read the House bill type in the "bill number" box: HR163 To read the twin Senate bill type in: S89 Jimmy Clifton is quite correct that the House draft bill was sponsored by Democrats. So was the Senate draft bill. The currently (still) circulating emails on this subject claim reinstituting a draft is supported by Republicans, including the current Republican administration. But Current President George W. Bush, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and Secretary of State Colin Powell have all said that they do not support reinstitution of a military draft. These bills were also not sponsored or supported by current congressional Republicans. (The House bill was recently voted down, including by its own sponsor, Democrat House member Charlie Rangel. But it is an election year, and drafts are never popular.) Conversely, Rep. Ron Paul, a Republican House member representing the 14th district of Texas, introduced House Congressional Resolution 368 in 2002 to permanently end any mandatory registration with Selective Service and end any possibility of future military drafts. Rep. Paul stated that he considers mandatory registrations or conscriptions as violations of constitutional rights to liberty. To read Rep. Ron Paul's comments on this go to http://www.counterpunch.org/paul0520.html Mandatory military drafts were ended in 1973 by Republican President Nixon. Nixon also signed an executive order in 1975 that ended mandatory registration with Selective Service. Mandatory registration with Selective Service was reinstated in 1980 by Democrat President Jimmy Carter, in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. So it would seem, from recent history, that Republicans are less inclined to be in favor of mandatory conscription or Selective Service registration than Democrats. Career military members don't like the idea either. Pentagon officials and career military commanders have also said they would rather not see a mandatory draft reinstated. They have pointed out that military costs would soar if they were required to start mass training of inexperienced and disinterested inductees, and that traditional two-year service requirements of a draft would no longer adequately return training costs. They have pointed out that training of inductees would take longer than in the past because of the higher technology of current military equipment. One unnamed commander is even quoted as saying "There are just too many things they (disinterested inductees) could break!" Retired Army Lt. Col. Leonard Wong has stated another common reason for military commanders' opposition to the draft: "The draft would be the Army's worst nightmare. We have a high quality Army because we have people who want to be in it. Our volunteer force is really a professional force. You can't draft people into a profession." So don't hold your breath on a draft being reinstated, it doesn't have any real wide support among those with the power to reinstitute it. But if a new draft were reinstituted it's pretty clear it would include young women as well. Kit
How ridiculous. How utterly ridiculous. I'm talking about the re-instatement of the draft and the attempt to make everything politically correct while doing so (drafting women and men). Folks, here's how it is. 1. In war, men must bear the burden. Women are not cut out for it. Period - no pun intended. 2. We desparately need a re-instatement of the draft. We are spread so thin right now that we can't possibly win this global war against ISLAM without it. There I said it - call me a racist all you want, you'll be warming up to the idea after the next attack inside the continental US. 3. We also need a re-instatement of the draft for social reasons, to show a whole generation of slackers and do-nothings what it means to work, to suffer, and to serve their country and show respect to the adults who are working so hard to pay all their bills, college, rent, etc. This, and this alone, will re-energize America to take our rightful position of leadership in the world. The draft is an enormously democratic idea - that everyone serves, that men are different from women (and we acknowledge that), and that everyone reaps the benefits of victory (men, women, and the children that will come). Not too liberal of an idea is it? Are you surprised?