Jonathan Falwell earned JD from William Howard Taft

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Charles, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. GME

    GME New Member

    Yeah. The bible is full of what I would call hate speach.

    However, if you have a literal belief in a god that knows when each sparrow falls, and who seems (at least by my reading of the book) to have an anger control problem and who has a history of wiping out folk who he considers to be backsliding morally, why WOULDN'T you think that 9/11 was a godly smiting of the wicked?

    This point of view, in my understanding, is frighteningly close to the thoughts that was likely running thru the heads of the 9/11 hijackers. Fundamentalist islam (as I understand it) contains a strong fatalism (almost a super-Calvanism). To the extent the hi-jackers were authentically religious, they likely thought that a). they were doing precisely what their god wanted them to do and b). their god had CHOSEN the people who were on the aircraft with them and who were in the twin towers.

    Their thinking was apparently very similar to the Falwell/Robertson/Dobson thinking in my opinion, which is extremely troubling to me.

  2. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    What GME said.

    No, the elevated G.P.A. (IF I understood correctly at the time) was because the J.D. was to be his second degree IN LAW.
  3. tcnixon

    tcnixon Active Member

    Hi Nosborne,

    Do you have a citation for that piece of information?

    Tom Nixon
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Good point Uncle Janko.

    Always looks a little funny to graduate from the school Daddy owns. Richard Roberts got his bachelors, Masters and finally doctorate (executive DMin) from ORU. In fact, his DMin was earned while Richard was President of ORU. Now, I cannot imagine the faculty being rough the schools' President and son of the Chancellor.

    The new president of BJU (Stephen) earned his doctorate from BJU. I think I read somewhere that the TRACS accrediation self study/process was part of his dissertation.

  5. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Not a citation, exactly, but a few months ago a poster claimed that a California lawyer friend of his with a D/L degree did this exact thing. I wondered if such a thing were even possible so I looked at the ABA accreditation standards and discovered that a school could give advanced standing up to one half of the degree requirements for a foreign lawyer (such as my New Mexico classmate).

    They sure don't HAVE to, of course.

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