Don't kill the messenger. DATE: 12 October 2004 CAMPAIGN UPDATE: The Petition for Indictment of John Kerry reached its target of 150,000 signatures in September. (This petition for indictment will remain online for informational purposes [see], and will accept additional signatures, which we will report each quarter after the petition for indictment is filed.) Dear Fellow Patriot, The petition for indictment of John Kerry, for "giving aid and comfort to the enemy," and, thus, to disqualify him for national office, has reached its goal of more than 150,000 signatures. On Monday, 18 October, the petition will be delivered by registered courier to Vice President Richard Cheney (in his capacity as Senate President), Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Attorney General John Ashcroft today. Though John Kerry has an extensive and well-documented record of anti- American activities over the past three decades [see "John Kerry: More aid and comfort..." at http://FederalistPatriot.US/alexander/], it is his acts of treason in 1970-71 that are the subject of this petition for indictment. Our appeal notes both Kerry's violations of the UCMJ (Article 104 part 904) and U.S. Code (18 USC Sec. 2381 and 18 USC Sec. 953), and calls for his disqualification for public office in accordance with the Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3, which states: "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice- President ... having previously taken an oath ... to support the Constitution of the United States, [who has] engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof." Why prosecute John Kerry now? In October 2003, Mr. Kerry chose to make his Vietnam war record the centerpiece of his campaign for the presidency; this has been especially true since his primary victory in March 2004 [see "Kerry's Quagmire..." http://FederalistPatriot.US/alexander/]. In response, more than 165,000 signatories of the above-referenced petition for indictment have made his war record the centerpiece of their campaign to disqualify Kerry from public office. We understand that no action is likely to be taken on this petition until after the 02 November election. Be it known, however, that on 03 November, we will seek full recourse in an effort to have John Kerry prosecuted for acts of treason and disqualified from any future campaign for any national office. We are thus committed to holding Mr. Kerry accountable for his actions, as there is no statute of limitations for acts of treason. Thank you for taking the time to sign this petition for indictment. Rest assured that your voice will be heard. Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander Publisher, The Federalist Patriot MEDIA CONTACT: John Machen <[email protected]>
You've made my day. Just when I think that people can't get any more mind-numbingly stupid, something like this comes up. And this is why I don't usually read the political discussions. Just people embarrassing themselves, near as I can tell. Tom Nixon
This has got to the the dumbest post ever! Prosecutions are not done by petitions. -- and you should be smart enough to know that. Even if Kerry did what you stated (and most intelligent people would dispute this claim), the statue of limitations expired decades ago. Both Bush and Kerry have made their military record central to their campaigns. Bush by doing the campaign photo op landing on the carrier (something he was never qualified to do). Personally, I could care less about what happened 30 years ago, but he Neo's have harped on Clinton for 8 years so I think it is amusing for the Demo's to harp back on the Chickhawk Neo's. Edwards should have brought up Warhawk Cheney's Chickhawk background (weaseling out of the service). Turnabout is always fair play.
My position on Kerry and Vietnam have already been posted. I didn't support the war and don't condemn him for protesting it. I do condemn him for wanting to be a hero of a war in which he admitted committing atrocities. According to his own words, he is a war criminal and his self-admitted atrocities should be investigated. If, however, he did collude with the enemy, then that's a different story. I have always felt Jane Fonda and Ramsey Clark were traitors for visiting and colluding with the enemy in North Vietnam while soldiers were imprisoned and tortured. Even though a person may not support a war in which his country is engaged, when there are POW's, everyone should honor (or at least respect) their service and not engage in any actions that cause them harm while in captivity.
I was never a big fan of Jane Fonda either. However, if anyone was going to be prosecuted, it would have been done a long time ago. If Kerry should be prosecuted, I guess GW should be investigated and prosecuted for alledgedly doing cocaine 20 years ago as well (I am just kidding - but you get my point)
Yawn Yawn, You expect us to believe that? Bush should be in jail, but his father pardoned him remember.
As much as I don't want Kerry to be president, I support his right to run. His past actions, while offensive to some, do not rise to the level of treason. If this were true, it would an american travesty. I just realized how dumb I am for responding to this.
It seems that the lunatic fringe springs to life every 4 years. Even as a moderate Republican, I find this type of attack offensive. I won't vote for Kerry because of his political track record, not because of the dreck brought to light by javila5400. I won't condone this type of sick behaviour from either the Dems or Reps.
This a crazy idea that will make the "prosecutors" look worse than they are trying to make Kerry look.
I don't think there is a statute of limitations on war crimes. If Bush snorted coke (I suspect Kerry smoked pot in the '70's) the statute has run out, sorry! Your favorite Republican.
Once again, you are diverting attention from what YOU claim are the important issues in this campaign.