Jim Lane - Where are you?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Andy Borchers, Jan 5, 2002.

  1. http://www.universityofphoenixsucks.com/ is the web site I was refering to.


  2. Outside of the Campus Department Chairs, UOP does not have fulltime faculty so we are all essentially adjuncts.

    There was no preplanned intent to teach overloads at my campus. Prospective faculty have to go through a five week certification program to qualify for a position. In the areas I teach in we have three certified people and that's it. We recently had an additional three people qualified. One moved out of the area, one refused scheduling any courses and the other quit after the first class.

    As far as what the students get out of the equation.... they fare better than I did while I was at Ohio State University in Columbus. I never got to see anyone else but a graduate TA for office hours when I had a problem. The amount of money (peanuts) does not correlate with the quality of my effort in the classroom. I am not in it for the money.

  3. Bill Highsmith

    Bill Highsmith New Member

    Question for you UoP/former UoP faculty: what is the rationale for the requirement for two years of shelf life (for lack of a better term) for a masters degree before the holder is eligible to serve as an online adjunct at the Univ. of Phoenix? I've heard that15 years of experience in the field prior to the degree does not overcome the two-year shelf-life requirement. What is that about?
  4. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Remarkable: A website dedicated totally to exposing the UoP.

    I don't believe any other websites exist to exclusively expose one (1) university's sham-status.
  5. blahetka

    blahetka New Member


    You ask an interesting question, and one I never received an answer. I tried to get on adjunct a year after graduation. However, I did not make it. I waited, reapplied, then was accepted to facilitate. I would think there is some bending of this rule, but I don't know about it. I was actually accepted about 20 months after graduation.

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  6. I think this statement may be the "Shelf Life" you refer to Bill. Right of the University of Phoenix web site:
    Start Quote

    "To qualify to become a University of Phoenix Instructor, you must possess the following credentials:
    A master's or doctoral degree from a regionally accredited institution related to the subject(s) you would teach and earned a minimum of two years prior to appointment.
    Five years of work experience related to the subject you would teach, and current employment in that field.

    A demonstrated proficiency in the subject(s) you would teach beyond coursework completed (for example, teaching experience, published works or formal presentations)."

    End of Quote



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