It's about freedom now

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Khan, Aug 2, 2005.

  1. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member


    The oil thing? Because it is obvious. EVERY action, foreign and domestic, of this Administration is designed to reward the rich and powerful.

    But that's neither here nor there; the oill companies are enjoying record profit, I understand, and the President's new energy act awards them HUGE additional tax breaks, but these things were bound to happen whether 9/11 or the Iraqi invasion took place or not.
  2. JLV

    JLV Active Member

    Nosborne, let´s suppose the US went there only for oil. Unlike you, I don´t see it primarily as a way to favor the rich, but as a resource of greatest importance for the future of the country and its allies. The US needs oil in order to survive, and maintain its hegemony. If they decided to go there for global, geostrategic reasons, so what? Without oil, there is no democracy, no scientific research, no advances in human rights or medicine, no World Series, no Father’s Day.... no civilization. To protect the Middle East resources (with the use of force if needed) is actually part of the Carter Doctrine, an illustrious Democrat. The US needs to have its access to this oil reserve granted; not having to rely on a sinister, unpredictable dictator or any other uncontrollable circumstance. If this was a long term campaign designed to control the oil all the way to the Caspian Sea basin, or at least, to ensure that no other (e.g. China) manage it, then well done. Better in US hands than anybody else´s. Sorry if I sound too cynical or too "Clausevitzian" but this is how I see it. This is after all a war.
  3. Khan

    Khan New Member

    I'd say:
    1) Recruitment-get/bribe as many young Muslims as possible of different country origins into the spy biz.
    2) Diplomacy: in as many countries as possible, set up spy centers to try and get a handle on the activities in that country. Get permission (hopefully) through diplomacy.
    3) Follow the money: I think we are doing this
    4) PR: our system is the best in the world. Instead of acting like d*cks, use the considerable power of the worldwide media to promote/spin us. We're great at this. At least Rove is.
    5) Have a nice pretzel;-)
  4. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    The oil compamies getting rich....

    Has absolutely nothing to do with the Bush administration or the Iraq war. It is solely a function of huge demand caused primarily by China. $50 a barrel oil when there hasn't been any great leap in production costs equals huge profits. Let's at least be realistic here.

    BTW, I am neither rich nor powerful and I got a nice tax break last year. Of curse, a lot of that was taken away by my Democratic governor through increased property taxes on my home but he's a Democrat.....
  5. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Sure, you got a few hundred dollar tax break. Take a look at what the tax breaks for energy companies will be. In a time of huge deficits, no less. They bought us off with peanuts, my friend.

    No, the War doesn't have much to do with the price of oil. But the price of oil has a LOT to do with huge profits. And profits are bigger with HUGE tax breaks.

    In any event, right or wrong, we are where we are. As I said, I have no alternative strategy to suggest for winning the War on Terror given where we are RIGHT NOW.

    It's like asking the President for a timetable to withdraw. Can't be done. MUSN'T be done. Would be very irresponsible to make any sort of public pronouncement.

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