ISM - International School of Management

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by ChiSquare, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. ChiSquare

    ChiSquare New Member

    An acquaintance of mine claims a PhD from ISM.
    This school could be only not fully accredited, but it look a bit mill-like to me.

    ISM - International School of Management | Accredited & Accredited MBA, DBA PhD | Paris, New York, Tokyo, Shanghai | ISM Overview - Mission & Focus | About ISM - ISM - International School of Management | Accredited & Accredited MBA, DBA PhD | Paris,

    School claims accreditation from ACBSP, and that is OK.
    ACBSP : Gateway

    Claims membership in ECBE:
    European Council for Business Education: List of Members
    Some schools on this list are regular state schools from Central and Eastern Europe, but some schools are a bit shady.

    Claims membership in EFMD:
    EFMD members

    According to Bear's Guide 2003: States that it is accredited by IACBE, ECBE and WAUC (all unrecognized, none wonderful)

    I can't find anything about Dr. Jack Forget, president of the ISM. Where did he get his PhD?
  2. ChiSquare

    ChiSquare New Member


    Dr. Jack Forget claims PhD in management from USA (university not mentioned), and that he is professor on University of California (no particular campus is mentioned).

    Screenshot above is taken from site of his book, just click on "FEUILLETER" to see back side of the book with his biography.

    Gestion de trésorerie, Jack Forget tous les livres à la Fnac

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