Is revisiting 9/11 mere partisanship? Or honesty?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Orson, Mar 5, 2004.

  1. chris

    chris New Member

    After reading my post again...

    I realize my spelling and punctuation made me look like an idiot. I need to ensure I proofread after I type something in a passion! I'll do that in the future.
  2. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

    Re: After reading my post again...

    Dat's ok. We dont wurry abut spelin 2 much heeer.

  3. Clay

    Clay New Member


    As a Special Forces veteran and retired cop I can only pray that someone with fortitude(Bush) continues with our only course of action. The liberal P---ies would appease our enimies rather than act responsibly and decisively. Kerry is a fraud and should have been court-martialed for his inaction while observing the alleged atrocities he professes . The Special Forces Association has been quite successful in sueing writers and publishers for false claims of war crimes. We need to check his statements to congress and ascertain if he specified any particular unit. I'm sure an attorney would be interested, if the defamed parties could be identified, but I doubt he made anything more than a generic(Kerry) statement. He should do well among the non-taxpaying, illiterate, give me something for nothing, share your wealth, gutless constituents of his FUBAR party. Fortunately, I am no longer in the military so my comments cannot be held against me. Every active duty souldier I know, or have spoken with, dreads the idea of a flake (Kerry) overseeing our security. Of course there are some make-believe troops who only joined for a job or an education. I'm sure they would rather be home with mommy. along with our liberal posters.
    De Oppresso Liber
  4. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

    Keep a sharp eye on the upcoming Bush campaign ads. My guess is that you will probably not see any new Bush campaign ads with any pictures relating to the Islamic* terrorist attacks of 9/11. Is there anything wrong with those images? Of course not. The Bush presidency is defined by the events of 9/11 and what happened afterward. The Democrats know this .. and it doesn't make them happy. They would much rather define the Bush presidency with their skewed view of our economy (Democrats say it's bad, it's not) and the jobs picture (Again, Democrats say it's bad ... and again, it's not.) The Democratic game plan was brilliant. They knew the ads with the images of 9/11 were coming ... so they lined up their personal lapdog, Harold Schaitberger, the president of the largest firefighter's union, and a few widows of 9/11 firefighters who also happened to be Democratic activists to scream in outrage as soon as the ads hit. The Democrats knew that their media fellow travelers would jump right in ... and ohhhh did they!

    Rightly ignoring the calls of a pro-Kerry firefighters union and some victims' families, the Bush/Cheney campaign has said not only are they not pulling the ads, they're not changing them either. As you can imagine, this doesn't sit well with the pantywaists on the left. Too bad. As much as the Democrats are trying to bury 9/11 as if it never happened, somebody needs to remind people of that day. Great ... it's about time we had a little backbone from the Bush people. Given the whining and complaining from the Democrats and the media, you would have thought President Bush was running ads on TV showing the clubbing of baby seals.

    Speaking on Fox News Sunday, Bush campaign chairman Marc Racicot said "This is an entirely appropriate effort on our part, we believe, to recall a memory and to recognize what it is that it's going to take in terms of leadership to lead the war on terror." Right on target, because remember: under a President Kerry, there would be no war on terror. And that, more than anything else, is why John Kerry must be kept as far away from the Oval Office as possible.

    This time they're not caving in.

    Or are they?

    OK ... so they're going to keep these ads running. In fact, I saw one of them on CNN this morning. My guess, though, is that you won't see any new Bush ads which remind Americans of 9/11. Running the ad they've already created is one thing ... creating more is another. We'll see if I'm right ... but for now, I think the Democrats are raising a victory toast.
  5. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member


    Now here's something you need to know about these poor bereaved widows who were so mightily upset about Bush using images of 9/11 in his campaign ads. Among the poor, poor bereaved widows featured on TV news shows last week were Monica Gabrielle and Mindy Kleinberg. Though it was never revealed to you in the news coverage last week, these women are members of a leftist group called "September Eleventh Families for a Peaceful Tomorrow." This group is heavily funded by ... who? Well ... by none other than Teresa Heinz Kerry, that's who! No ... you won't find these details in The Washington Post or in the New York Times. You could, however, read this article from the World Net Daily for the full story...

  6. Tireman4

    Tireman4 member


    We are all citizens of this great country. We ( ok maybe all) all vote. Some are Democrats( me) and some are Republicans. In November, we get to choose again who will lead our country. I did not vote for Bush in 2000 and will not in this year's election. I respect those who have a difference of opinion from myself.( I tell this to my students all the time. They inform me that I am "misguided") What you will get from me is informed comments( Like you must choose which party speaks to you, that will best serve you and your family) not slanderous accusations. I am not accusing anyone on here of doing that. Just remember, the emotions will get whipped up,but we are all friends in the end!!!:)
  7. chris

    chris New Member

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