Is Online Doctor of Engineering a cashcow?

Discussion in 'IT and Computer-Related Degrees' started by TEKMAN, Aug 26, 2024.


    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    I have seen to more schools that is now offering Online Doctor of Engineering degrees. Is this going to be the DBA equivalence for Engineering and Technology Professionals and cash cow for colleges?

    Several years ago, only one or two schools offered professional Doctorate degree in Engineering. But now, it seems to be more emerging.
  2. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    It does beget questions. Like, are they all expecting to teach, or something?
  3. Suss

    Suss Active Member

    Or maybe they get a raise for additional education qualifications? Kind of like with teachers?

    I guess if companies continue to pay for courses that lead to a degree as an employee benefit, a doctorate would be one of the ultimate outcomes.
  4. Michigan68

    Michigan68 Active Member

    I have worked for Ford Motor and several auto suppliers here in Michigan since 1994.

    Doctorate in Engineering has become popular in job openings where creating research and business cases for certain products and creating/giving presentations that are seen by the C-suite and VPs is important.

    Other than that, it’s just teaching and if you do not do that, it’s for personal accomplishment.

    For ‘engineering positions’, a regionally accredited degree from an ABET school is most I have ever seen required.
    Dustin and Jonathan Whatley like this.
  5. NotJoeBiden

    NotJoeBiden Active Member

    DEng has been around a while, even at many of these schools. I think they are just advertising it as it is more compatible with an online platform than a PhD.

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