Is obtaining a second MBA make sense?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by krazymack, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. New Member

    very interesting...

    Kevin you are correct in mentioning SCPM (sometimes I've seen this ssociated with Stanford Certified Project Manager)...

    However, there's one site where I see the acronym "CPM" used for Certificate ni Project Management... observe:

    The institute is in Johannesburg if I am correct.
  2. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck

    SCPM is the Stanford program. But does not carry academic weight and in fact can be completed via distance.

    its a good program and has the Stanford name but Amberton has a PM certificate via distance that can be taken for undergrad or grad credit and is acceptable to Amberton towards their degrees.

    The worst I have seen in misuse of the terms is the ESI program that grants a Masters Certificate in Project Management that carries no academic weight but is issued in conjunction with George Washington University.

    I actually had quite a discussion with one of our graduates of this program (I am a PMP) since they were under the impression it was a "Masters" in PM. Since the individual did not have a bachelors I was interested in how they accomplished such a nice goal.

    My discussion with GWU showed some promise that if you completed the entire ESI certificate they would consider granting some academic credit in the Masters in PM they offer. But they are pricey.

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