Iraqi Liberation

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Guest, Feb 17, 2004.


Should President Bush have liberated Iraq even if WMD's are not located?

Poll closed Feb 21, 2004.
  1. Yes

    22 vote(s)
  2. No

    9 vote(s)
  3. No sure/No opinion

    3 vote(s)
  1. GENO

    GENO New Member

    Exactly - you are entiltled to your own opinion as are others. So if you are tired of others expressing their opinions then keep yours to yourself because some may be tired of yours.
  2. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    You can't put the NAFTA on Clinton-Gore alone. Both parties had a hand in that. It seems Perot was right about that, just look at some of these rising trade deficits with countries like China. I may not agree with Kerry, or Edwards on much, but I certainly do on trade.
  3. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    That's right! Most of those who attacked us were Iraqi's, and the Iraqi state played a significant role in enabling 911!

    Oh...wait... maybe that was Saudi Arabia. But we obviously can't attack them (wink, wink), and ...hey... ya gotta attack someone.


    Lisa Simpson: “Nuke the whales”? You don’t really believe that, do you?
    Nelson: I dunno. Gotta nuke somp’m.
    Lisa: Touché.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2004
  4. GENO

    GENO New Member

    I believe Daddy Bush was a proponent of NAFTA also and was instrumental in its development.

    What we need is fair trade NOT free trade.

    Each unemployed American is one less consumer. Do you think the Chinese, Mexican or Indian governments give a damn about the unemployed American worker?
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    You're a great American and true patriot! You disagree without calling names and casting aspersions. Both parties need more people like you in it!

    A "Roosevelt Democrat" is a rarity these days. The days of Roosevelt, JFK, Scoop Jackson, etc., are nearly gone.

    Nice "talking" to you!
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Gore debated Perot on Larry King concerning NAFTA. This was the Clinton-Gore approach to winning over Americans on the idea.

    Kerry and Edwards are not in agreement on this issue. Kerry voted for NAFTA!
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    You sound like Hillary Clinton a few months back when she ranted and raved about people who disagreed with her.
  8. GENO

    GENO New Member

    With more and more American cars being produced in Mexico, China and Canada and more and more Japanese cars being produced in Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee one would be helping more American workers by purchasing a Honda, Toyota or Nissan automobile than a GM, Ford or Chrysler.
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hey Geno,

    We agree on something! Will wonders never cease? :)

  10. GENO

    GENO New Member

    Wonders will never cease --- every new day is a wonderful event.
  11. Orson

    Orson New Member

    Prz Primary analysis from AEI (C-SPAN Wed)

    Standing potholes for Bush this year, according to Norman Ornstein:

    --Election in Taiwan in weeks: confrontation with China looms?

    --historic troop rotation in Iraq: what could go wrong? (Terror attack with massive lose of of US life?)

    --Transfer of power in Irag in June?

    --Funding shortfalls for Iraq in the Fall?

    --Finally, Dems win Rep House seat in Kentucky - the fist win from Rep seat since 1991; another seat is expected to be won by Dems in SD in weeks.

    Dems are highly united - and more out of power thanin 80 years.

    GOP sources say Bush could be the most successful prez to ever lose.

    Other commentators:

    --Despite the wish of Dems to makes jobs central to the election, consumer confidence in the economy is far higher and unemployment much lower for this to be an easy or widey held issue to sell to the electorate.

    --Public trust in Bush' integrity is high - distrust is low (14%), even among Dems (25%).

    --The consistency of the polling numbers since the first Gulf War year-after-year with 60%+ saying that that war ought to haven been finished means that the Iraq war isn't about finding (or not finding) WMD - rather, it was and is the evil of Saddam.

    It looks to be a close campaign, come September.


    PS Ben Wattenberg is reading Zbigniew Brezinski's (sp?) forthcoming book, which states that a "truly catastrophic event is likely to hit the US in 10 to 20 years;" this is, Brez thinks, "inevitable."
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Prz Primary analysis from AEI (C-SPAN Wed)

    Chandler didn't win that race so much as Alice Forgy Kerr lost by running a horrible campaign.

    S.D. more than likely will elect a Democrat because Stephanie Herseth is a very articulate, intelligent, young, attractive candidate.

    Had her opponent last time not been Janklow she would have easily won. Even though I am a Republican I would vote for her if I lived in S.D. She ran an excellent, civil, ethical campaign last time. She is a class act!

    The Democrats are not that united. Dean will continue his attacks on the Party and Sharpton will stir trouble in Boston. Plus, Nader will get many Dean supporters. He will announce his plan to run this weekend on "Meet the Press."
  13. Orson

    Orson New Member

    Re: Re: Prz Primary analysis from AEI (C-SPAN Wed)

    Yeah - I'm reading how the case for Democratic unity is being overplayed or contradicted oneway or another. For instance, voter turnout in Wisconsin was waaay down - down by 188,000. Dukakis did better 16 years ago!

  14. Orson

    Orson New Member

    Originally posted by pugbelly
    Anyone that truly believes that the Iraqi invasion took place to vindicate George Sr. is so grossly misinformed that it's simply alarming.


    What O'Neil "discovered," and what the media hyped when his book (actually not his, but a reporter's book with O'Neil's input-as he himself pointed out), was released, was that President Clinton and Congress' 1998 policy of regime change in Iraq was still the policy of our government when Bush became pres - DUH!

    For example, government documents and maps cited (available online), purporting to show Bush' premeditation of a war on Iraq in fact showed French and German (our ostensible friends') oil fields in Iraq. Now, given that the US and Brit allys bombed Iraq for a dozen years (those "no fly" zones), spending $20 billion in the process - do you really believe war plans show nefarios "premeditation?" Or sensible contingency planning in the face of a failed truce?

  15. Orson

    Orson New Member

    This is "cute," Geno. But in reality, the Supremes voted (yes, twice, because of an out-of-control state supreme court) on federal laws governing disputes over a federal election!

    Could you have them do otherwise and expect constitutional governance to survive?


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