As you may know, Trump is obsessed with crowd sizes. He drew in bigger crowds than Hillary Clinton and Biden. Now that Harris is drawing large crowds at her rallies, insiders are reporting that it's driving Trump insane. A sane person would know that big rallies don't predict winning the popular vote, but when you're a narcissist, these things matter a lot. Trump believes that his Jan. 6 speech had a larger crowd than Martin Luther King Jr.'s ' 'I Have a Dream' speech. MLK's speech had an audience of approximately 250,000. 53,000 showed up to Trump's speech, but only about 25,000 entered because the rest refused to be screened for weapons.
I seriously doubt that anyone believed Trump's claim about MLK's "I have a dream speech" crowd size versus his own insurrection speech crowd size. Well except for perhaps the most rabid MAGA supporters that don't know he lies with almost every thought that comes out of his narcissistic brain and then flows out of his mouth.
He is so predictable in his claims that it's sick. He also claimed to have more at his inauguration that President Obama had at his, and forced his press secretary to lie on about it to the public. I was at Obama's inauguration. It was so crowded that it took nearly two hours to leave the grounds: