In an Age when Space Exploration is no longer a "Race," What is it?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Orson, Feb 3, 2003.

  1. Orson

    Orson New Member

    In a couple years I hope to be qualified to teach the introductory survey in environmental science, and the last week or so I want to devote to space. Why?

    Whatever ethical philosophies one brings to bear on the contentious political and scienctific issues about the environment--whether moral or moralizing, utilitarian or humanistic, aesthetic or pragmatic--we are all passengers on Spaceship Earth. It's one metaphor of our PC times that truely is literally true!

    Just as humankind does not know if God exists or if we are alone in the universe, we do not yet know if we are unique, or if our environment--"This Blue Planet"--is unique. This implies that wisdom includes humility about our earth, wisdom that accomodates, but does not subordinate, our curiosty, our greed, our need to expoilt and explore. So long as humanity exists, management of earth remains an inescapeable duty.

    Therefore we must recognize that earth could be obliterated by an asteroid--or a passing star gone supernova--all before our five billion year futures are up. What are the threats? What can be done to protect our "spaceship?" And how shall our posterity c remember us--if at all?

    I'd close with points from a scintillating essay on space exploration, technology, and human destiny whoose perpective is rarely heard today--yet I find movinly profound. (I'll post a few bullet points from it when I dig it up!)

  2. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Q - In an age when space exploration is no longer a "race," what is it?
    A - Unfortunately, it may have become just another business enterprise.

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