If YOU Had Your Own DL School

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Maniac Craniac, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. lawrenceq

    lawrenceq Member

    My school would be all about internet marketing. I would focus on social media, web analytics, SEO/SEM, and web development.
  2. dlady

    dlady Active Member

    I am focusing on programs in areas that have additional authorities, like the NAADAC programs we did. Is there a national authority in the linguistics space? Also, look for ACBSP to work more with national business schools, maybe a pilot MBA program somewhere..? :) Got me..
  3. dlady

    dlady Active Member

    Thanks okydd, we try. It is not always easy and you cannot please everyone all the time, but our core philosophy is to maintain a high degree of integrity while being as flexible and cost effective as possible, with a focus on people and social responsibility.

    I wish we could do more, and some good things are in the works for 2011 including a bunch of new programs and an innovation to the learning technology that will once again be a game changer for DL, if I am any expert..
  4. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Either that, or the HR assumes you can't spell and they chuck the resume.

    I do know Bostonians (like my father-in-law) pronouce it Havard. They also say things like: "Abne, can you pak the ca?" (phonetic spelling). Here is the Cali translation: "Abner, can you park the car?".

    Abner :)


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