Hi Group. Brief Introduction

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by qball007, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. qball007

    qball007 New Member

    Greetings. I have watched the forum for a while now, without commenting or registering. Just wanted to post a quick introduction. I have an Associates in Criminal Justice/Security Management from ESI in Aspen, CO (formerly held DETC, but they let it go). Just enrolled in Ashworth's BS for Criminal Justice, and plan to continue pursuing the MBA through Ashworth. I selected them primarily because of cost and what what they will transfer, and I don't have any plans of needing to transfer their credit to an RA school.

    Career wise, 20 years in security management/law enforcement/protective operations. Spent 7 years overseas in high threat protection details and currently in northern Iraq as a security manager. Certified through the American Society for Industrial Security as a CPP, and am Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician-Intermediate.

    I look forward to networking with all of you!

  2. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Hi Brian - So you can give us all the scoop on Blackwater. ;)

    Welcome to degreeinfo.
  3. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Hey Brian,

    Welcome aboard! Years ago we had some members that attended Ashworth, but they kind of drifted away. It will be nice to hear your experience at Ashworth. You are getting a recognized degree, at a good price. No debt, in this economy that is paramount.

    Take care,

    Abner :)
  4. qball007

    qball007 New Member

    Thanks Abner, and Kizmet....yes.....i can give you the scoop on "Xe", the new Blackwater. :rolleyes:

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