Help me decide...

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by mharoon, Feb 3, 2004.

  1. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck


    I apologize for missing your question on time spent. I varied from course to course and could have used the portfolio option for some courses. However, I like studying and took all the classes. I finished the entire program in 8 months. I dedicated my Saturdays (roughly 8 hours) to lessons. I travel extensively so I spent my nights away from home working on unit exams, etc... no more than 2 hours per night. I found that finding a proctor was the slow part of the chain because of my traveling. Additionally, the paper grading took several weeks. But for the most part I treated the courses like any B&M class and spent the time. If you want lesser grades you could certainly spend less time. Keep in mind that you have to have a "B" average. Your background may provide some easier classes and you can zip through those. I spent less than a month on several classes. I always had two classes going and in one case four because the subjects were very familiar to me. I did stagger my enrollment dates by a couple of weeks however to give me some margin of error.

    Overall it was about what I expected given my age, background and experience.

    Let me know if you need anything else.
  2. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Two things:

    mharoon: welcome aborad and best of luck to you as you decide on programs

    other posters: clear, thoughful, logical, informed, temperate answers--thoroughly helpful to the new guy and interesting even for an utterly non-business type (like me)
  3. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Two things:

    mharoon: welcome aboard and best of luck to you as you decide on programs

    other posters: clear, thoughful, logical, informed, temperate answers--thoroughly helpful to the new guy and interesting even for an utterly non-business type (like me)
  4. Ike

    Ike New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: One Correction

    You are correct but I wonder why any prospective applicant or student should prefer DETC MBA to RA MBA.

  5. mharoon

    mharoon New Member

    Thanks Fed. That's the kind of info I was looking for. I certainly want to pursue my education whole-heartedly, and would love to spend as much time learning as I could. I just wanted to get an idea, as it's been a while since I graduated from school, and my life has totally changed ever since with wife, kids, work, etc. I just wanted some assurance that I would be able to do what I want to do even with such a busy schedule.

    Thanks once again for all your help,

  6. chris

    chris New Member

    Tom, what is up with SACS and Alabama?

    SACS is after Auburn for a similar issue. Granted the situation at UWA is worse, but with the Auburn trustees showing signs of a fight this could get worse bfore it gets better. This can't be good for anyone. There is wrong on both sides of this issue. Somebody needs to sit SACS, the Alabama legislature and the trustees down and settle this before the students get hurt.
  7. chris

    chris New Member

    Tom, what is up with SACS and Alabama?

    SACS is after Auburn for a similar issue. Granted the situation at UWA is worse, but with the Auburn trustees showing signs of a fight this could get worse bfore it gets better. This can't be good for anyone. There is wrong on both sides of this issue. Somebody needs to sit SACS, the Alabam legislature and the trustees down and settle this before the students get hurt.

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