Helms School of Government at Liberty University

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Charles, May 27, 2004.

  1. Howard

    Howard New Member

    Why is it necessary that we combine the words Christian and Conservative or Liberal? I am a Christian (believing in Christ) but that does not define me as to my political or social orientation. From a fiscal standpoint I am a staunch conservative (eliminate most of the social welfare programs and replace them with workfare programs), but my social views are lean more to the liberal --- I don't like the death penality (liberal); I am not in favor of abortion (conservative); I don't see why anyone needs a pistol or automatic gun (liberal); I don't believe drugs should be legalized (conservative). Am I making my point, or am I just an ignima?
  2. skidadl

    skidadl Member

    I would think that it would be because there are many so called conservitives that simply repeat what they hear from the mainstream conservitive mouthpieces.

    Many free thinking Christians (like myself) get bunched into this group that you speak of.

    Saying that, I still consider myself Christian Conservitive but, there are some issues that I would be considered liberal on. I do get my ideas from my own thinking. Radio and TV hosts are interesting to listen to and I agree with alot of it but, I reserve the right to disagree.
  3. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Two things.

    As a race mongrel, I just had no idea how much the Senator cares. Kinda makes me feel all warm and tingly.

    Howard, by the ghost of Finis Ewing, what on earth is an ignima?
  4. Mike Albrecht

    Mike Albrecht New Member

    An enigma igniter?

    BTW I am also christian (ELCA) and a staunch supporter of the MCCain/Goldwater conservative Republicans. I am not, nor could I ever vote for a "Chrisitan Conservative" (or a Kennedy either).
  5. Howard

    Howard New Member


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