Great URL

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by jugador, Dec 13, 2005.

  1. jugador

    jugador New Member

    Forgive me if this doesn't merit a new thread, but I just stumbled across this distance education URL which I believe to be outstanding. Maybe it has been cited here before. If so, I've missed it:
  2. laferney

    laferney Active Member

    It could be useful but it does list some unaccredited universities as Newport U. and a few suspect ones like Athenaeum U Panama and UK. Described on ODA as :"Not a genuine university. Lacks authority to issue degrees recognizable under Oregon law. Panamanian incorporation does not confer such degree authority. The owner works with the owners of the St. Regis University scam and formerly claimed to be a faculty member at the fraudulent St. Regis."
    So one needs caution . They do note accreditation and list as state approved for Schools like Ryokan but mislead when they list schools like Commonwealth International University and state "Accreditation: Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools." Mixing mills and unaccredited schools in with mostly legitimate ones is designed to deceive.

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