Graduate Admissions after Excelsior

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by distancelearner_2231, Dec 28, 2004.

  1. Hello folks-

    I have about 69 credits toward an undergraduate degree from Excelsior...60 of those credits were from a state college in Nebraska.

    After completing my degree from Excelsior, I want to enroll in a University of South Dakota graduate program. MBA in Health Administration.

    Now the question I have is this:

    USD doesn't offer CLEP credits for certain tests that I will be taking to attain my BS degree from you think this will hinder my getting accepted into USD?

    For example, USD doesn't accept the Humanities CLEP for under grad credit....but Excelsior does. So that Humanties CLEP is going to be on my transcript, and it will allow me to get a RA degree.

    The only admission requirements are a 2.7 GPA from an RA school, and a 400 a few prerequisite business classes which I plan to CLEP out of.

    I have spoken a few times to an advisor from USD and haven't been able to get a direct answer from someone who really would know....

    So I was just wondering if any of you have had an experience like this in the past? Where your undergrad school gives credit for something your graduate school (at the undergrad level) wouldn't.

    Thanks for any advice
  2. alarmingidea

    alarmingidea New Member

    Harvard Extension wouldn't grant undergrad credit for some of the work that Excelsior accepted. Nevertheless, my degree was good enough for admission.

    My best friend has undergrad credits that her current university doesn't accept, but she got into a PhD program.

    If institutions applied the standards of their own undergraduate programs to the degrees of graduate applicants, they'd very rarely be able to admit anyone. The best way to find out, though, would be to contact the program you're applying to and see what they say.

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