goodbye Off-topic

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by uncle janko, Dec 17, 2005.

  1. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    This is my last post on Off-topic. It's been fun. See you elsewhere on degreeinfo.

    If the circumstances which led to this decision change, I'll be back. If not, not.

    Anyone with Latin or theological questions, feel free to PM me.

    Since holiday greetings are usually posted on Off-topic, please accept my very early greetings and best wishes for Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's, etc.

    Janko muy fino y muy frio

    Carthage must be destroyed.
  2. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    I believe that I shall join you. My posts will henceforth be limited to D/L discussions and Accredited v. unaccredited and THOSE limited to law schools and allied subjects.

    Well, and a little morse code for Clay!
  3. JLV

    JLV Active Member

    Hey, guys. what´s wrong with you two? Are we boring you?

    OK. Me too. I had it. Feel free to PM with questions regarding reinforced stainless steel, and the growth and commericialization of the Papuan mussles :cool:

    JLV, el manco de Lepanto
  4. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Aw, c'mon! You've got to show up on Political Discussions!
  5. Jake_A

    Jake_A New Member

    Folks, I am DLmeister, aka John Wayne DiAccredito. Watch me strut up to the DI forum, seize the microphone, and bellow therein:

    "Discrimination and open hostility to the DI sections: IT and computer-related discussions, off-topic discussions and political discussions, shall not be tolerated!"

    Oh, wait. I am not a Moderator. I am not a Super-Moderator. I am not an enforcer and I have no powers to demand any such compliance and conformity.


    Ok, never mind .......

  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Uncle Janko will be sorely missed here. No matter where he has posted, he has always been thoughtful, honest, and at times, provocative.

    Uncle Janko is a genuinely sincere human being and I hope he will be back. On the other hand, we will be blessed with his posts elsewhere, yeah!
  8. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    Did I miss something?

    What's the problem, you two?
  9. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    I do not want to appear to speak for anyone but myself in this thread. Off-Topics is a bit like reading a tabloid newspaper. It sucks you in, creates a reaction, and that can feel like it requires a response. Sometimes the topics are silly, stupid, funny. Sometimes they go straight to the heart.

    At the moment I am engaged in a newspaper/newscast moritorium. I am blocking out the news. I don't like the nature of the news that is presented and I don't like the manner in which it is presented. I would never fault anyone who opts out of the trivialization of important issues.
    But that's just me.
  10. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    I know exactly what you're talking about. Few are bigger news junkies than am I; but, lately, I'm having trouble stomaching it all. Maybe it's just the season and my desire to feel better, generally, than watching too much news allows me to do. Or maybe it's the growing sense of hopelessness I'm fighting after see or reading on the news things like, for example, that most of the Patriot Act is now permanent, save for a few clauses which, gratefully, even a few Republicans stepped-up and did the right thing about yesterday.

    But even I know -- at least in my case -- that it's just a break... temporary; and that I'll be back to news devouring soon enough.
  11. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Yeah, me too.
  12. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    I have no idea what Uncle's reasons might be; whatever they are, I am sure that they are sufficient.

    For me, though, I AM bored but NOT by you all. I realized in the last few days that I have SAID all that I have to SAY. I am getting tired of hearing my own cybervoice in endless repetition. And, truth be told, I doubt not that there are a few here who are probably tired of hearing it, too (though no one has ever said so and I imagine that no one here is rude enough TO say so.)

    So, I will post whatever develops in the London Saga since that's the reason the forum exists. I will also be pleased to answer any questions anyone may have concerning the education and licensing of U.S. attorneys.

    Beyond that, it's time I put a sock in it.
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I'm so bored by what I have to say even my preening ego is telling me to take time to enjoy the Christmas holiday season. ;)

    So, anyone wishing to associate me with whatever random institution they wish -- and whatever faculty they wish -- please consider:

    Let 'r rip!

    I hear the State of Oregano has a price on my head -- whatever the going price of a cup of Starbucks' best is these days. (BTW -- what you've heard about the dean of The University for the Advancement of Luddite Science is all rumor -- that spanner he threw into the works at the Accreditation Conference -- well ... it was his cousin's!)
  14. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    What is with the announcements that you will not be posting? Why not just stop posting or reading without the announcements?

    I have seen several announcements made by members that they are leaving, quiting, etc, and I just don't get it. Many times other members (including me) try to convince the member to stay, but it looks like if a person really decides to quit an announcement would not be neccessary.
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Who's quitting? I'm just admitting to being bored with myself and my own repetition -- and so am saying I'm likely taking more time to enjoy the season while it's still the season. :D
  16. davidhume

    davidhume New Member

    How many times have we heard this before from Degreeinfo posters!

    You'll all be back within a couple of weeks!
  17. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member


    I don't think any intelligent person is bored by what you have to say. Your posts are always great and from the heart! Nothing wrong with that! Please don't ever change.

    Take care brother,

  18. WARREN

    WARREN New Member


    Thank goodness that you at least reserve the right to continue to to comment on the status of legal education here in America and abroad. I always direct inquires about dl legal education, Cal Approved Bar route, the "non ABA/LLM" route, so forth and so on, to this forum and hope that the search function is working. You and Gregg have helped many an aspiring lawyer come to their own informed conclusion that they should attend NC Central, Campbell University, UNC or Appalachian School Of Law in Grundy in Virginia. This is true at least in southeastern North Carolina.


    Marion Warren
  19. tgrusso78

    tgrusso78 New Member

    Where are you at in Southeastern NC? I live in VA now, but my family is all still in Castle Hayne.
  20. miguelstefan

    miguelstefan New Member

    I have been meaning to reply to this thread for a while. But I was looking for the right way to express my point of view without sounding too harsh.

    First, let me say that I support Rev. Janko completely. I would also be very upset if one of my posts was deleted or edited by someone else here while the posts of a “duende” elsewhere go unchallenged. Tío Janko is one of the cornerstones of this forum, and he deserves a lot more respect and deference than he has been given by many in the situation in question.

    Be that as it may, I will not let any troll determine, control, limit or somehow have any power over were or when I post on this board. Uncle your opinion is valued by many here. We are on your side and I urge you to reconsider your decision to withdraw from this section of the forum. Don’t let the troll win, that is exactly what he wanted.

    This is me talking and you know were I stand. I have the deepest respect for you and sympathy for your situation. But this is not the time to fold. This is the time to tackle the enemies of this board head on in the manner that only you are capable of doing.

    Lets Rock and Roll!!!

    P.S.: Uncle please send me a private message and let me know what really happened, I gathered my conclusions from bits and pieces here and there but just want to be sure I got it right. As for Nosborne what I wrote to Janko goes for you too.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2005

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