Golden Gate U., comments?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by LapuLapu, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. mhanrahan

    mhanrahan New Member

    Regarding the issue of the CFP, I went through the College for Financial Planning in 1988 when they were still giving the CFP exam. That has changed now and the CFP exam is now separate.

    I taught an investments class for City University for the CFP cirriculum. Depending on your knowledge and background, you might just want to take the CFP review course (as opposed to all the classes) and sit for the exam. Either way, I would go throught the College for Financial Planning and NOT GGU. The College for Financial Planning is about $600 a course, compared to GGU at about $1,750.
  2. LapuLapu

    LapuLapu New Member

    Dear m,
    Wow, thank you very much on GGU and CFP. I have considered the undergrad Accounting degree at City U. too. You would recommend City U. ?

    Thank you!
  3. mhanrahan

    mhanrahan New Member

    It depends on what you want to do with the accounting degree. When I received mine (in 1978), I wanted to go to work for one of the Big Eight. How the university "showed" in the market place and how vigorously they recruited at the school were important considerations. Of a minor consideration was CPA exam pass rates of the schools graduates.

    If you are considering becoming a CPA, you need to be familiar with your state's laws and regulations regarding the licence. I understand that most staes have gone to a 150 hour education requirement (masters equivalent) in order to sit for the exam. This could be a consideration in your choice of schools, as well. Something I now look for is a mix of academic and practicing (with teaching experience) faculty. The practicing faculty can bring a perspective about the "business" of accounting/auditing into the class room that the academics who have never worked in the industry cannot.

    I do not know enough about the City program to help in this regard. Sorry.
  4. LapuLapu

    LapuLapu New Member

    I'm most interested in financial planning, but I want to complete my bachelors. If I can't do that in financial planning then I'm looking for the best major that will support financial planning.

  5. mhanrahan

    mhanrahan New Member

    They do have financial planning majors at some colleges. Lacking that, I would pick an investment finance concentration with extra courses in taxation (individual, estate,and entity), insurance, and employe benefits.

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