Hello, Here is my problem: I haven't a High School/GED diploma but would like to have one. A couple of weeks ago we had a discussion here and there were very useful suggestions some of which I've followed up. In short, some argued that you really don't need a high school diploma for your future career/education while others disagreed. At Excelsior, e.g., they told me they don't require a high school/GED diploma to enter their bachelor program. However, some graduate schools/employers seem to be very particular about it, even in case you already have a bachelor. I just want to play it save. Anyway, here is the current state of affairs: I've the German Fachoberschulreife(Realschulabschluß) and three years of vocational training. Now, I've sent my educational credentials to ECE for an evaluation(general report) and they recognized me ten years of high school plus three years of part-time high school level work and vocational training. An academic advisor told me that it isn't enough to be considered as equivalent to an American high-school diploma. Though, I think, judging by the contents of study material, I've the equivalent of GED. For example, in Germany a high school diploma is looked upon as equivalent only to the Hauptschulabschluß which is inferior to the Fachoberschulreife that I have. So could maybe the course by course evaluation of ECE be of any use to me? There is also possible to obtain a GED diploma after completing 24 credits in a college program. You need to send the certificate proving you earned 24 college credits to your state education board. The only problem is I live in Europe( I contacted, for example, the New York State Education Board and they told me I need to be a resident of New York State in order to get the GED) Has somebody any suggestions about what would be in my situation the best way to obtain a GED? PS: If there is no other way, as a last resort, I certainly could take a GED test offered by Prometrics in Europe. It would cost me, however, $375. Thank you in advance to all who will answer, Dennis Siemens