From the Department of Redundancy Department

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by picklehead, Oct 30, 2002.

  1. picklehead

    picklehead New Member

    Stop the hate peaceworker.
  2. John Roberts

    John Roberts New Member

    Picklehead & peacewoker, and the rest..what do you expect, when hiding true identity (spammer or double identity same person) posts on the degreeinfo DL site, you can expect a free for all.

    I am not suggesting you reveal, but what do you have to hide?

    So off with the 'leave peaceworker alone' and send him into tomorrow in Australia, where it is said, that when the final distruction comes only those in Australia will be left to survive. this was in an old movie back in the 60's. (Peter Finch I think it was)

    G'd-day Mate.
  3. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    I believe that you're referring to the old movie (and older novel by Neville Shute) entitled "On The Beach," that starred Gregory Peck, Fred Astaire and Ava Gardner. By the way, in the movie everyone dies, even the Australians (although they are the last ones to die).
  4. picklehead

    picklehead New Member

    Not hiding

    I did not think that anyone would think that I was hiding from anything. The fact is, my nickname is pickle. My friends, and sometimes my wife, call me picklehead. I do state in my bio that I am a telecom technician in Bakersfield California. I really did not think anyone would care what my name was, but if it is important to you my name is Orval Harber. I am a person of no great consequence, (read not a great scholar or Author) consequently I did not think my name important. I am no John Bear, you now know my name, and you still have no idea who I am, so whats the difference.

    Not hiding...I just thought that Picklehead was more interesting than Orval Harber.
  5. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Re: Not hiding

    I'm not sure it's more interesting but it is easier to remember/recognize. Different forums have different cultures. This one seems to like real names. That's why I use Bill Huffman. People wouldn't believe that my real name is John Doe. <smilie>
  6. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    John ("Bill"): That's why I use Bill Huffman. People wouldn't believe that my real name is John Doe.

    Bill ("John"): This is reminiscent of the first major attempt to measure the height of Mt. Everest exactly. They came up with precisely 29,000 feet . . . and ended up reporting it as 29,002 because they figured no one would believe 29,000 was a precise number. At least that's how one of the volumes of the wonderful (to me) People's Almanac reported it.

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