Five Dollars A Gallon For Gas!

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Laser100, Sep 22, 2005.

  1. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Five Dollars A Gallon For Gas!

    OK, I'm just saying...maybe this is a decent history of the issue,
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Five Dollars A Gallon For Gas!

    Gore entered Congress in 1976.


    So, Gore could not have helped create it as he said here:

  3. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Gas tax suspension...

    I say, Hell yeeeeesssss!!!!!

    Abner :)
  4. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    Re: What is the Republican News Network?

    FOX broke the Bush DWI story just before the 2000 election.
  5. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    Re: Gallon vs. dollar

    You understand incorrectly. Most states use a percentage of the cost per gallon. Illinois recipts are way up. Over $100 million higher than projected. The Fed's is a flat rate per gallon.
  6. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    Gouging is a state crime...

    Gouging is a state crime and virtually impossible to prove. Whay ar you complaining anyway. Our gas prices are a $.25 higher than that already...
  7. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Re: Re: Gallon vs. dollar

    Ah, thanks for the clarification.

  8. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    Re: Re: Gallon vs. dollar

    In California there is a federal excise tax, a state excise tax, and a state/local sales tax. For every dollar increase in the price of gas California rakes in an extra $1,000,000,000.00 (approx).
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    If it gets to $4 in Florida I'll shave my head, put on a tutu and post a picture of it on here.

    CNN is full on nonsense (not that fox,msnbc, cbs, abc, and all the others are not) .

    These people are talking heads with little grip on reality. The other day when the JetBlue plane was about to land with the damaged landing gear they told the nation at least ten times in five minutes that landing with the landing gear at a 90 degree angle was very dangerous. Thanks for telling me the obvious.

    Let them report not prognosticate.
  10. qvatlanta

    qvatlanta New Member

    Sonny Perdue is a freaking moron

    I just found out the news that our glorious governor of Georgia has decided to close the public school system on Monday and Tuesday. Why? To save gas. I just can't believe how stupid this is.

    Yes, gas did hit as high as $5.00 a gallon after Katrina here in Atlanta, but it didn't stay up there for long. Our public school system is crappy enough without closing it on arbitrary days. I just think this is pathetic, especially considering in other countries like Japan kids go to their public schools through hell or high water (well they do get the day off for typhoon warnings). We need long-term solutions for fuel efficiency and gas conservation not just this horrible save-money-by-cutting education... argh!!
  11. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    Talking heads

    All those idiots in the media due is give cover to the locals to raise prices. It went up $.10 yesterday before the storm had even hit! And that was from its already inflated price post Katrina. This will never go down to where it was now that the press has given the oil industry all the cover it needs.

    I would like to see some legislatures pass some windfall profit taxes which would recapture any profit increases taken post Katrina. It could be plowed back into relief efforts and serve as a lesson to the xompanies not to gouge. How do you do this? Take the average markup pre Katrina and subtract it from the markup post Katrina and tax the rest 100%.

    A lesson needs to be learned here. Besides, since the federal government has suddenly decided it is their role to rebuild private residences and businesses we could use the funds......
  12. BinkWile

    BinkWile New Member

    Re: Gouging is a state crime...

    Having just moved to Austin from DC, I understand your pain. The issue is relevant though. People here make far less money than they do on the Eastern or Western coasts, or even midwestern states.

    My complaint is universal and for all citizens in the country. Oil company's made record PROFITS when the Katrina catastrophe hit. If oil had really become scarce, then their rising of prices would have been justified, and their profits would have remained about the same (taking into consideration that people bought gas in large amounts running stations dry). I find this very alarming and very unethical, and it speaks volumes about the level of respect these companies have for ordinary citizens.
  13. qvatlanta

    qvatlanta New Member

    When companies raise gas prices because of panic, not real scarcity, I don't think this is in principle unethical. Other industries do it all the time and no one complains. Clothing fashion prices are totally driven by the manipulated perception of scarcity.

    Of course since government so heavily subsidizes oil, then the public has a kind of tax ownership stake that they certainly don't have for something like a Luis Vuitton handbag.

    Interestingly, I've read some libertarians and left-environmentalists are allying to advocate for a no-subsidy-for-ANY-energy policy. This is not likely to happen due to national security reasons.
  14. BinkWile

    BinkWile New Member

    Speaking of scarcity...

    Have you noticed the increase in home building? That is, going to a builder (KB, Lamar, Toll Bros, etc.) and having them build a home for you. The excuse is that due to the hurricanes, the cost of materials have increased. Now.... If supplies become available again, does anyone here believe that they will lower the cost of homes again?????

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