
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by LadyExecutive, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member

    On a fact finding, research mission that begins here. If you can, please provide answers to the following questions.

    (1) How much credibility do fellowships add to your educational experience and professionalism?

    (2) Anything such as fellowships by distance?

    (3) Any advice on obtaining a fellowship to engage in further research about leadership? Just curious.

    I know little about fellowships so if my questions sound amateurish, blame it on my lack of knowledge.

  2. NorCal

    NorCal Active Member

    My organization (Healthcare) has a fellowship program, and its extremely competitive. Professional experience is not a huge factor, since 99% of all fellows are usually around 25 and fresh out of grad school. However, most of the candidates hail from very prestigious colleges. Our most recent fellow hailed from the University of Michigan with a Masters in Healthcare Administration. After serving his one year in the fellowship program, he was hired as a Lean Process Management Coordinator at one of our affiliate locations.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2014
  3. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member

    Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. I've been seeing lots of people, usually associated with academia with credentials such as 'Senior Fellows' and such, attached to their names. Was curious about it. Thanks again!

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