FAU dismisses 28 business instructors

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by carlosb, Apr 10, 2004.

  1. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck


    while looking at the kobs Keiser had announced they seem to have varying levels of educational and/or certifications regarding the IT/Business related instructor positions. Of course these may vary widely by campus and administration. You are right on track with the on-line thoughts. I did exactly as you suggest and intend to use the on-line position to pass along some hard learned (earned) knowledge,as my retirement income, and as something to maintain a little mental acuity (my wife would say very little). I would recommend you broaden your search to other schools outside of SACS' environment. We are notoriously slow to migrate change in the South in some regards and would rather see on-line schools take up residence elsewhere than keep the jobs and tax revenue in our region. There are many positions announced on monster.com for on-line instructors in a multitude of areas. I have no aspirations to fame and fortune so I applied to all and had several interesting offers. None of them will make you rich. But the side benefits work out nicely.

    Keep us posted on your success.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2004
  2. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck


    I have to disagree. The educational process does make sense. The return on investment may not. I believe few educators have money in mind when choosing the profession.

  3. carlosb

    carlosb New Member

    What I meant was it appears that education thinks full time instructors with Ph Ds and limited real world experience are more valuable than a adjunct with plenty of real experience. I am considering the University of Phoenix since they require (or so they claim) that their instructors be employed full time with a minimum of five years experience in the area they teach. Yet they cannot become AACSB because they do not employ enough full time.

    If I do go to UoP it will be in physical classes, not online.
  4. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    while looking at the kobs Keiser had announced they seem to have varying levels of educational and/or certifications regarding the IT/Business related instructor positions. Of course these may vary widely by campus and administration.

    I'm not sure what their advertising says, but I've spoken with the VP of Academics over the entire college, and she's not going to approve an instructor without those specific 18 credit hours.

    You are right on track with the on-line thoughts. I did exactly as you suggest and intend to use the on-line position to pass along some hard learned (earned) knowledge,as my retirement income, and as something to maintain a little mental acuity (my wife would say very little). I would recommend you broaden your search to other schools outside of SACS' environment. We are notoriously slow to migrate change in the South in some regards and would rather see on-line schools take up residence elsewhere than keep the jobs and tax revenue in our region.

    Oh, I'd be open to instructing for any institution that had a good position. However, I know the eCampus people here, and I like them, so it seems like a great place to start.

    There are many positions announced on monster.com for on-line instructors in a multitude of areas. I have no aspirations to fame and fortune so I applied to all and had several interesting offers. None of them will make you rich. But the side benefits work out nicely.

    It's good to hear it's a viable plan!

    Keep us posted on your success.

    Thanks! It will be a while, though. I'm still taking CLEPs and the like to finish a Bachelor's from COSC, and have yet to conclusively select a Master's. I'll have in state tuition in Florida by then, though, and FAU's online MBA with the AACSB accreditation is a real draw.

  5. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck



    I did not distinguish between the different Keiser campuses and the SACS accredited one. Sorry for the miss. However, it looks like there are some teaching opportunities for varying level of academics at the other campuses.

    Good luck with your MBA plans.
  6. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I did not distinguish between the different Keiser campuses and the SACS accredited one. Sorry for the miss.

    Oh, that is genuinely confusing. Yes, Keiser College is regionally accredited, but Keiser Career College is not. They're separate administratively, it's surprising to me that they put all their openings on one site -- and if they do that those for Everglades University aren't also there.

    However, it looks like there are some teaching opportunities for varying level of academics at the other campuses.

    Oh, I see. Yes, there's a weird loophole in the SACS rules in which an instructor for a course not primarily intended for credit can have as little as an Associate's degree. This is so even if the course is transferable, as long as it's not designed to be.

    Personally, I think that's a bit baffling, especially considering that they're so strict in other areas. However, it means there may be several courses I can teach once I finish this information systems BS, so I shouldn't complain!


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