Executive Protection Failure

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Charles Fout, Nov 1, 2022.

  1. Charles Fout

    Charles Fout Active Member


    I'm outraged. The thought that anyone can just bust into the home of the Speaker of the house and attack her husband is incomprehensible to me. Typically this sort of failure is facilitated by a chain of other failures. We need to demand a full review of our executive Protection apparatus. I'm praying for the safety of our elected and appointed officials everywhere.
  2. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    You're absolutely right Charles. While the legal apparatus could be improved, a bigger contributor to the problem, IMHO, is the demonizing rhetoric in politics right now, especially on the right. Trump, QAnon, etc. This detached from reality fellow that broke into Paul Pelosi's home thought he was dealing with pedophiles that ate babies and stole elections and all kinds of other ridiculous conspiracies.
    Charles Fout likes this.
  3. Vonnegut

    Vonnegut Well-Known Member

    Congressional legislators typically do not receive executive protection for them or their families. One would might that as speaker, Nancy would receive elevated protection, but I’d be surprised if that normally extended to her family. Personally, I’ve never seen what I’d typically construe as exec protection around a congressman in-person.

    Yes, what occurred is a horrific outrage and I’m saddened at how our society has become so toxic.
  4. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Not to wish this into existence or anything, but I used to wonder why al-Qaeda, etc., never picked off any members of Congress when even after 9/11 they all just kept wandering openly around Capital Hill. After one or two the rest would all go into hiding, which would be a PR coup for a group like that.
  5. Charles Fout

    Charles Fout Active Member

    Congressional leaders do receive protection. NB - Republican Whip Steve Scalise's Capital Police Unit saved the day at the Congressional Baseball Game Shooting.
  6. Vonnegut

    Vonnegut Well-Known Member

    Capital Police provide protection in DC for official congressional business, such as organized and publicized events as that game was. Outside of DC and big press release events (with local LE presence)… I don’t think they receive much protection… I’ve seen a handful of legislators at airports, restaurants, local/small events, meetings, and have never seen protection outside big public/official events.
  7. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Agree and surprised.
    I was positive that there are security services protecting them 24x7.
    These makes the Lady Speaker vulnerable to extortion etc.
    I understand that she has protection and when she is traveling the security travels with her.
    We may agree or disagree with a politician but violent attacks are terrible and should be condemned.

    Unfortunately all sides have ways to endanger politicians or judges by advertising their home addresses.
    I think its a miracle that SCOTUS Justices in latest events didn't get hurt.

    Republicans, Conservatives including main stream right media condemn an attack on Nancy Pelosi household, on her husband.
    This was not a random act. This was intentional. And it's wrong,
  8. Vonnegut

    Vonnegut Well-Known Member

  9. LevelUP

    LevelUP Active Member

    Factcheck: FALSE
    The demonizing rhetoric is coming mostly from the right.
    The Facts: The left is the primary contributor to political violence and demonizing rhetori. See below for examples.

    The Twitter blue check mark people are demanding Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC be fired for telling the truth that Republicans have been targeted for political violence.

    Look at all the blue-check mark monsters happy to celebrate the delusion of Trump dieing on Nov 1st. They love to spread hate and disinformation.
    https://twitter.com/search?q=#trumpisdead filter:verified&src=typed_query&f=live

    Protesters Put Life-Size Donald Trump Doll in Guillotine Outside White House

  10. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    I don't think your fact check, passes the smell test.

    Reread my statement, "While the legal apparatus could be improved, a bigger contributor to the problem, IMHO, is the demonizing rhetoric in politics right now, especially on the right." Please note that I did NOT say that such things never happen on the left. I actually said that they in fact did. Therefore your examples really prove nothing.
  11. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Let me try to help since it seems that rational thought and politics don't mix with some people.

    There's two obvious reasons that it is clear that "especially on the right" is factual, the Big Lie and QAnon. Some basic aspects of QAnon are believed by some 20% of Republicans, including the nut job that fractured Paul Pelosi's skull. The Big Lie is believed by about 70% of Republicans. This was the root cause of the January 6 attempt to delay or prevent the lawful transfer of power to the new administration, i.e., the insurrection.

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