Another interesting, if odd certification. I personally thought the Certificate in Strategies for Conflict Management looked cool.
There are a bunch of certificates from various universities offered through the University Alliance. That's where info on the Tulane certs is as well. Have you narrowed your own search down to any programs? Good luck to you.
Yeah. So far I have decided to attend eCornell for a certificate of Studies in Proactive Leadership for a few reasons. 1.) I'm big into leadership as an academic discipline... 2.) It puts an Ivy league school on my resume. 3.) It's affordable. 4.) I haven't met a person who has taken it that didn't absolutely love it. As for the certificate in Management...I am looking very hard at the Tulane Master Certificate in Management which is ACE evaluated for 2 graduate hours or 3 undergrad hours. Additionally it will give me a solid understanding in business before I attempt an MBA at St. Josephs. Then there is University of London. Much less expensive, counts as 12 graduate hours and is a "diploma" instead of a "certificate". I don't know if that matters at all. Then there is Rutgers... which does look good and a "Certified Business Manager" sounds slick. But for the money I would prefer the Tulane education. So my choices are narrowed between Tulane Masters Certificate in Management and University of London Diploma in Management. They are neck and neck in my book. The one class I looked at from Notre Dame was that in "Conflict Management" since I really haven't taken anything in that area and it would tie in nicely with the Cornell certificate.
I hadn't heard that the Tulane program was ACE evaluated for credit. Where did you get that information?
Out of curiosity the certificates offered from Notre Dame and Tulane are those credits CEU's or actual grad/undergrad credits?
For the Tulane certs, if you take the proctored final, then their worth upper level or graduate credit as outlined by ACE. If you don't, then they are worth 4 CEUs each certificate. Notre Dame I know nothing about. Good Luck!
Out of curiosity the certificates offered from Notre Dame and Tulane are those credits CEU's or actual grad/undergrad credits?