Arkansas' first online-only university is open for business. Arkansas’ First Online-Only University Accepting Applications | Fort Smith/Fayetteville News | 5newsonline KFSM 5NEWS
They're a whole lot cheaper than CSU Global, but I'm confused about their accreditation. Or, maybe the school is just being misleading. University of Arkansas System eVersity is an independent university. That means that it should have its own accreditation. However, the website does not say that the school is accredited. It says that the courses are offered by accredited partners, but the degree is awarded by eVersity. Earning credits at an accredited school does not make the degree accredited if it's being awarded by an unaccredited school. Accreditation | eVersity When Texas A&M - San Antonio was created, it was kept under the umbrella of Texas A&M - Kingsville until the school earned its own accreditation. I think this is the smarter route to go. Another option would be the Penn State model where Penn State World Campus is not an actual school that awards degrees.
It does say on the frontpage that the degree is accredited...not sure on the details but doubt they're lying.
What is exactly "eVersity" reputation and credibility in the name shake for employment marketing? The University of Arkansas name has decent reputation, but eVersity sounds like a cyber company instead of educational institution.
According to their student handbook, eVersity has an agreement with the University of Arkansas-Monticello (Go Boll Weevils!). Student will concurrently earn a UAM degree and an eVersity degree. It states the eVersity campus is pursuing independent accreditation.
Hillary Clinton will be the first President of eVersity if she lose her Democratic 2016 Presidential Nominee. #ConspiracyTheory
I'm wondering what utility there would be having a degree on the wall that says "University of Arkansas eVersity". If that's what they truly intend to call it, that name may be the worst marketing idea ever.
Since it has just opened it doesn't have any reputation at all except what might be inferred from being a part of the University of Arkansas system. The school will probably have to produce a crop of graduates before it begins to develop it's own independent reputation. The name itself is unfortunate, in my opinion.
I agree. It sounds like the name of a dot com from the late '90s. Hopefully their web site won't use <blink>....