Evaluating non-U.S. degrees

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by Alan Contreras, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Gregg and Jack, in no way this is to pick a fight, but I came here with anonymous name for a reason.
    I'm one of the people who respect experience gained at work place as equal or above traditional classroom setting.
    I think combination of the two is ideal.
    Were I come from one went to teach was not because he was passionate about it but because he couldn’t make it in the what we called the real world, not that this is correct but this was the stereotype.
    If I was given the power I would make degrees temporary for 5 years, I think after that time they would require renewal, just like any other license require continues education/work experience in the field and proctored exams.
    Many don’t remember, what they learned decades ego.
    Learning is a life long experience.
    I support rewarding people for their achievements at work, successful project deliveries, or service, not just awards but qualifications that recognize the achievements.

    I really admire UK system, were a person can be recognized by vocational and professional qualification for his achievements, I found resistance here in US for such an idea.
    Mature adult rout at IEE UK - UK EC is what I'm talking about.
    Special recognition awards, such as Master Teacher, Master Engineer with privileges would make lots of deference in peoples life, and the door to academic qualification is always open.
    This is why I love VIE, as long as it's done properly.
    If a school in USA let’s say CA can be approved to award degrees and it's not a crime, then I would treat the same schools in other countries on the same level.
    They always can apply to ODA if they wish for approval of their programs, if they are real and have noting to fear.
    My equation is simple - Education + Training + Experience = Professional.

    I openly value Professional Accreditation as a MUST over NA, RA etc.

    Jack one issue for your consideration is for a moment look thru my eyes, people that spread lies about me being Azad etc Why I didn't hear from you, not even 10% of what I hear from you when it comes to my posts. It appears to me that there is a bias so how can I expect justice.
    And when you writing that I come to shill, you may be not telling the truth.
    As someone very wise once said take the beam out of your eye so you can see and be able to take the speckle out of your friend’s eye.
    As far as my linguistics, than today can be a perfect example, I had a presentation in front of VP’s and directors, this is a part of how we manage Change Control.
    On Tuesday I couldn’t believe how good I sounded, how well I structured my sentences, today I was tired and it reflected in match poorer presentation.
    There is no pretending, simply state of mind and energy level at the time when I compose a post.
    There is someone posting on another chanel who calls him self Learner, this is not me, maybe in years to come some will link thios to me?
    Could it be that there were two MosheW posting and one had good comand of the English wile later someone else came with the same name, do you have their emails etc.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2005
  2. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    It is inconceivable that spelling and grammer could suffer so much just because one is tired. What about the other excuses that have been put forth that are inconsistent with this excuse?
  3. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    This is not an exuse its a fact, I'm the only person posting here under the name lerner.

    Yes, there are times when I'm very tired and at such times I post match worse than usual and there are times in the morning before I have to catch the train when I whant to respond and don't bother
    to spell ccheck, I type and run out the house.

    at work I don't know what would I have done without spell checkers and many sample doccuments, tamplates etc.

    Thats me no one else.
  4. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Lerner - I'm not asking you to divulge your true identity. I've simply asked you to give me your old aed screen name. This does not compromise your confidentiality. The fact that you've refused to give me that screen name only supports my belief that you are, in fact, MosheW. You are hoist by your own petard. The fact that you do not want to admit this indicates that what I have said about MosheW's posting history is true and that you know it's true. Also, as far as I know, it is NOT possible to have two MosheW's registered in the same newsgroup. The software will not allow this. Even I know this and I'm not very adept with computer systems. It was you and it is you. If I'm wrong then all you have to do is give me the screen name that you really did use. By the way, that line about how you were late for work and so you didn't bother to use the spell checker is simply not believable.

    I believe that I've pushed this about as far as it needs to go. I think that any prudent individual, acting in a reasonable manner would come to the same conclusion that I have reached if they actually look at the evidence (the old MosheW aed posts alongside the Lerner degreeinfo posts.) As far as I'm concerned, you've been tagged. You've been marked. Anything/everything you post is suspect and people should assume that you have a hidden agenda that is embedded in every post you make. I have no problem with you continuing to post at degreeinfo.
    See you later.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2005
  5. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Jack, I am looking in to the old posts, is it posible that the same user name was used by 2 defrent persons in deferent times?
    A year later some one came to aed and used MosheW and it was not the same person as the one from year earlier?

    I repeat, I'm not him and not any other person you called me.

    I used my first name - English name on aed.
  6. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    MosheW's early posts, he speaks perfect English

    Is he?

    I would do everything to speak perfect English.

    this is first but not last coment that will show he is not me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2005

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