Emporia State MBA IS & MSIT - AACSB Dual Degree

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by AsianStew, Dec 28, 2021.

  1. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    Emporia MSIT shows it has AACSB for some reason, I think because they placed it under their Business degree offerings.
    Most of the time, AACSB is mainly used for Business, and they also have a sub specialty for Accounting as well.
    This is one of the rare times I see a MSIT that has AACSB accreditation... you may want to verify with them.

    MSIT Link: https://online.emporia.edu/programs/msit.aspx
    MBA IS Link: https://online.emporia.edu/programs/mba-is.aspx
    $11,979 Total Tuition, As few as 12 months Duration, 33 Credit Hours, $363 Per Credit Hour, $1,089 Per Course

    Their MBA/MSIT dual degree strangely requires an extra course as illustrated from my spreadsheet link below.
    MBA/MSIT dual degree: https://online.emporia.edu/programs/mba-msit-dual-degree.aspx
    $18,513 Total Tuition, As few as 18 months Duration, 51 Credit Hours, $363 Per Credit Hour, $1,089 Per Course

    There are overlapping courses if you take the MBA IS/MSIT dual degree, but the dual degree has an extra course.
    If that is the case, it may be easier and cheaper to do the MBA IS and then the MSIT, bypassing that one course.
    Spreadsheet Link: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AuSy9T2rbQuahUUNu3Pz62GzvkLK?e=ki8fmG

    Note: Another option is, if you want to "double down" on the MBA concentrations, you can get an IS/Marketing AOS
    The reason is because, each AOS/concentration is only 3 courses. If you select just two more courses, you get a second AOS.
    This will cost just slightly over $20K for an MBA IS/Marketing & MSIT dual degree, both being AACSB accredited.

    Compare that to another university, example Westcliff University Masters is 36 credits at $675/credit = $24300
    Emporia has AACSB whereas Westcliff has ACBSP, you get two AACSB degrees for the price of just one at Westcliff
    Link: https://www.westcliff.edu/financial-aid/tuition-fees/#1595274646588-a7adaf66-3e2b
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2021
    Maniac Craniac likes this.
  2. Courcelles

    Courcelles Active Member

    I just enrolled at Emporia for their M.ACC. The extra course is due to a university policy that only allows ten credits to double count, it’s in their graduate catalogue.
    Maniac Craniac likes this.

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