EdD/PsyD completion in pediatric psychology?

Discussion in 'Nursing and medical-related degrees' started by Orson, Aug 5, 2006.

  1. Orson

    Orson New Member

    My woman friend need to complete here doctorate in the best-fastest-cheapest way!

    Opinions would be welcome.

    She did a master's in EdPysch, started doing a doctorate at the University of Idaho, but fond the chari a butthead. So, she moved into the Ed dept.

    After doing 60 hours towards her EdD. life brought her into the real world and she spend man yeard practicing pediatric psych in extremely rural settings.

    Looking at distance degree completion options, they seemed exhorbitantly expensive to her.

    Obvously, local and U of Idaho options ought to be considered, first: APA credentialed ones like Fielding and CIIS - and Capella pending, too - as "better" options.

    Anybody have a clue as to how transferable EdD credits are or are not with PsyD programs?

    Is there a thread discussing distance EdD programs, anyone?


  2. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    CIIS' psychology program is not apparently offered at a distance - just an M.A. in Transformative Leadership, or Ph.D. in Transformative Studies - and I'd be careful saying any school's APA accreditation was "pending", not least a previously unsuccessful applicant.

    In her shoes, I'd definitely look to the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. at Fielding. IIRC they can take a little transfer credit, and to the extent knowledge covered otherwise in the Ed.D. program overlaps with Fielding's Knowledge Area Modules (courses), she could finish them that much more quickly (and with tuition based on number of terms enrolled, all the better).
  3. Michael Nunn

    Michael Nunn New Member

    Fastest? Sorry, but quality doctoral programs will take a long time here in the US. You can take up to 10 years doing your doctorate at Fielding and it is VERY expensive.
    Clinical psychology doctorates at Capella, Argosy, CIIS, Walden and many others require less time but they are also very expensive and they are anything but easy.

    Cheap? either she attend a brick and mortar doctoral program in psychology that will reimburse her tuition or she'll have to go to NCU.
    Also, check out the African universities like UNIZUL and others. If she is organized and disciplined, she could get a doctorate done in 3 years for as little as $2,000. It's not APA accredited, but when you want something "fastest-cheapest", you get what you get.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2006
  4. chrislarsen

    chrislarsen New Member

    Pediatric Psychology

    Fielding is the only APA accreditted program that is distributed learning. I am in the middle of my second year at Fielding in their doctoral program in clinical psychology. I am loving every minute of it. Fielding is a lovely place with a truely supportive faculty. Fieidng is expensive however. But this is also an incentive to get through the program much faster. Fielding has also recently reduced the curriculum requirements for the Ph.D. to help students get through quicker. They cut out 18 credit hours and are trying to streamline the program.

    Fielding has a subspeciality area in which you can get rather good training in pediatric psychology. This is called the "parent infant mental health" subspeciality track. There is a need for very early treatment and intervention and lots of federal research dollars being spent in this area.

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