Ed.S worth it?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by makana793, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    It appears that CSU Stanislaus will be starting an Ed.D. program in the fall of 2008
  2. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Actually, it is a terminal post-master's degree.
  3. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

  4. nobycane

    nobycane New Member

    I would like to throw my two cents in here on this issue/discussion.

    I find that the Ed.S. is mainly geared towards administrators in the elementary and secondary education (public or private). I know very little educators that actually hold an Ed.S. degree...those I do personally know are in administrative positions...ie; AP's, Curriculum Specialists, etc. I do not know any actually teachers who hold such a degree. The only advantage I see about the Ed.S. is those individuals who want the salary advance in their district...and that is all it is really worth in my opinion. It is really for those who want the professional development and growth, without pursuing an actual doctorate degree.

    You cannot (as far as I know) teach at the university level, because many want the doctorate degree, and the Ed.S. is considered a "mid-point" between the Masters's and Doctorate level.

    In my honest opinion, if an individual is considering furthering their education beyond the Master's level, then an Ed.S. is pretty much a waste of time and energy... the effort should be put into a Ph.D. or Ed.D. instead.
    - That is my view point.

    Good Luck in your choice though! :)


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