I noticed Dr.P.H. was used as the abbreviation for PhD in Liberty University's catalog (with a couple of exceptions). Any idea why? Is this a new abbreviation? https://catalog.liberty.edu/graduate/faculty/
The Dr.P.H. (Doctor of Public Health) is in the book Epithetology by Bartholomew, which I think was printed in 1948. A note says Dr.P.H. was first used around 1912.
True. I forgot they have a medical school and there are a lot of Dr.P.H.'s on their adjunct faculty but that would explain it.
In general, a Dr.P.H. is an applied public health degree vs. a Ph.D. being a traditional research degree. I think with reference to that Liberty faculty list this must be a find and replace error or the like. Tons of people (everyone?) with a B.A. is listed as having a B.A.A. instead too.