Double Standard?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Guest, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. BLD

    BLD New Member

    Of course there's a double standard! Did you see the way Bob Kerrey and that complete slime-ball Richard Ben-Veniste questioned Condi Rice? They talked to her as if she were an idiot. If she were a Democrat and they were Republicans charges of "racism" would have been made. It's hard to believe anyone takes these guys seriously. To politicize the 9/11 hearings is completely inexcusable. The good news is they just made themselves look bad and made Condi Rice look great!
  2. Craig Hargis

    Craig Hargis Member

    Uncle Janko and Jimmy Clifton

    Dear Uncle Janko: You have always been respectful of me on this board; I appreciate that. You have answered questions that I have asked, honestly and clearly. I do respect you and your clear understanding of theology and ministry. Now, I know that you do not like Dr. Clifton. I know why you do not like him--you have made that clear. That is absolutely your right. But I have noticed so many times that I am here forced to respond--that EVERY time Jimmy posts you respond with a snide, insulting, cruel message that has only the purpose to belittle him and to humiliate. He responds kindly or ignores you. As a Christain "friend" I suggest you profoundly reconsider your habit. It does not in any way become a man of God. Easter would be a great time to stop. You don't have to like him, but you need to respect Jimmy as a human being. I am afraid that your very odd fixation with trying to hurt Jimmy in a public forum speaks loudly about the character of your ministry and very possibly your denomination. You are really making Dr. Clifton look good. Your spirit seems so mean and base in these postings that I wonder if you should think about surrendering your ordination credentials. Jimmy seems, despite his many self-admited failures, to walk a path wildly closer to that of the Lord than you (at this moment). I am proud to say that Jimmy is my friend; he is kind and giving. If he has a flaw, it is in trying too hard to be liked. He is a really good guy. He is obviously educated and obviously trying to better himself even further. Are you?

    Blessings to you both at Easter; I hope you, Uncle Janko, can take this message in the spirit I give it. We are all fallen creatures, you, Jimmy, me, all sinners--but this is a good time of year for us to try to do better.

    Yours in Him--Sincerely
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2004
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest


    I, too, was upset at Kerrey's questioning of Dr. Rice. I really liked Kerrey in 1992 and wanted him to win the Democratic nomination.

    I thought you might like to see this. [/ulr]

    Of course, this could just be Kerrey's was of "payback" for Clinton's having beaten him for the nod in '92 but maybe he really is fair.

    I always enjoy your posts. Have a GREAT Easter, my friend.
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Uncle Janko and Jimmy Clifton

    Dear Brother Craig,

    Uncle Janko is on my Ignore List so I haven't read his posts in some time now.

    Thanks and have a wonderful Easter.

  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I apologize. This should have been

    Will a moderator delete the other post with the incorrect URL format?
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Uncle Janko and Jimmy Clifton


    I have been thinking about what Craig said. Gus Sainz, in a much less polite, less kind, and less diplomatic manner, has intimated a similar view.

    I grew up in a very dysfunctional home. My father was physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive. He was an alcoholic.

    I grew up on welfare and food stamps. I promised myself to rise above this lifestyle.

    I am the first Clifton to graduate from college (B.S., RA). I am the first Clifton to have accomplished so much in the history of my family.

    I have been proud of my accomplishments. Perhaps I have been too proud. I see so many on here list and mention their accomplishments. So, I followed suit. Yet, I am the only one who has been portrayed as trying to be liked, seeking attention, etc.

    Perhaps this is true. I don't know.

    I do know I am proud of my life, for the most part, and am ashamed of some poor choices, bad decisions, and involvement in some organizations that were not ethical.

    I will now keep all my educational accomplishments, future plans, etc., to myself unless asked about them.

    I will keep my word, however, to Pugbelly, to let him know about the TTS curriculum.

    Thank you.

    Again, please, moderators, delete Monday.
  7. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member


    Everyone who bought Richard Clarke's book should want their money back right about now. In her brilliant testimony yesterday, Condi Rice shot down Clarke left and right...and did in such a masterful way. She used his own words against him. Even Clarke, when interviewed on ABC, could say nothing except compliment her for "a very good job." So what now?

    For weeks, the Democrats and their buddies in the media have advanced the idea that the Bush administration did nothing about Al-Qaeda for 7 1/2 months, and somehow undid all of the Clinton administration's work in this area. But yesterday, Dr. Rice blew that nonsense out of the water when she detailed how at first, the Bush administration continued the Clinton policies while developing their own. She recounted several meetings that took place with other cabinet officials, as well as the President himself. Of course, the media, having propped up Dick Clarke as their Bush-hating poster boy for weeks, will give him a free pass. He won't be held to the same standard of truth they reserve for the Bush administration.

    The bottom line: Richard Clarke is a liar...and he lied under oath. I wonder if they'll prosecute him for perjury? I wouldn't hold my breath.

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