Doctorate Application

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Han, May 22, 2003.

  1. tcnixon

    tcnixon Active Member

    Congratulations on making your choice, Kristie.

    I should tell you that this is only this dean's opinion of what a program should have and that what he states as a requirement is not a requirement. I've sat on hiring committees and the student-teacher ratio of doctoral programs has never come up.

    It's an AACSB school. If accepted, you've just cleared the first hurdle to get a professorship! (Now only 7,535 more hurdles to go!:) )

    Tom Nixon
  2. Steve King

    Steve King Member

    Congratulations Kristie! Henley is a good, well-known management school. Best of luck with the admissions process!
  3. manjuap

    manjuap New Member

    Go to the below site

    and click on "Research Degree Programme" and the information is available easily

    Application Procedure
    To apply for any of the courses you should download, print and complete an application form. You must also include a research proposal and two academic references. If you are an international student you should also provide an academic transcript in English of your university grades.

    Please POST your application to:

    Mrs Pam Lewis
    Research Degrees Programme Administrator
    Aston Business School
    Aston University
    Aston Triangle
    Birmingham B4 7ET

    The application form is in PDF format. Please note that you will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader v3 or later installed on your workstation to download or read this file. The PDF file (rdpappl.pdf) takes up 443kb disk space and is 6 pages long.

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