Do you feel online graduation forfilled your dream of graduation ?

Discussion in 'IT and Computer-Related Degrees' started by codekiller, Sep 6, 2003.

  1. codekiller

    codekiller New Member

    Hello agian!

    I have recently been informed that The only option for graduation is a online graduation. I was wondering after all the work you've done online to complete your degree do you fill forfilled when you graduate online? I am not sure what our online graduation or web based graduation is going to be like but I am just wondering does a online graduation make you fill forfilled or did it leave you filling incomplete in someway as far as not being able to cross the final thresh hold!
  2. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    I did not go to my B&M BS graduation and I have no regrets. :)

    I do not want to go to my B&M MA graduation, but I will probably be dragged there by class mates. :rolleyes:

    If I make it to graduation for an online RA PhD, then I might consider going to a graduation ceremony. It would be cool to fly out to Arizona for such a big event. :p
  3. oxpecker

    oxpecker New Member

    I have attended only one graduation ceremony -- although I've completed high school, three university degrees and two graduate certificates. My daughter has completed only kindergarten -- yet she has already attended as many graduations as I have!
  4. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I only went to three graduations - high school, Army basic training (no choice), and Army AIT (no choice).

    I missed every college graduation and I don't really care. Since I never went to the school, it is not a big deal. I feel graduation is more for the socialization with students you have spent the last X number of years in school with.

    When I complete my PhD, I will consider going to a graduation ceremony because it should be my last one.
  5. manjuap

    manjuap New Member

    Congratulations !..
    Looks like you have made up your mind to go with NCU :)
  6. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    I couldn't see the point of losing a couple days' pay to go to my bachelor's or second master's grad. I went to the first master's grad because it was literally over the back fence from where I lived. If I ever got a doctorate I think I would go, as long as I didn't have to rent a gown or wear a silly hat.
  7. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Yes brother, I've decided to go with NCU. I'm just waiting on a couple of things, to include an inheritance check, which will make it financially possible. :)
  8. etech

    etech New Member

    I personally feel that it will feel good (a sense of accomplishment) to physically be there at your first degree graduation. Its ok if you dont go for the second and later ones. I think virtual graduatiion would not make me happy for my first degree....
    .... just my thoughts.
  9. chris

    chris New Member

    Fulfilling for who?

    I missed my BA graduation because I was working nights and I slept through it. The local registrar and I were kind of close and she had really encouraged me to go. When I didn't she was so crestfallen I felt really bad, like I had let HER down. Families can be the same way. My wife was the first person in her family to get her BA and they drove in from hundreds of miles away to be there. They were so proud! When my mother asked if I had finished my master's I kind of offhandedly said yes and she jumped up and ran across the room thrilled (I am first generation student, too). To me it was just a step to the PHD, my ultimate goal. What is an online graduation anyway? Never heard of one.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2003
  10. codekiller

    codekiller New Member


    To answer your question online graduation as far as I know is a flash presentation that has a few guest speeak infront of your class a listing of your make for about 30 seconds of so with your honors a accomplishments and the it finishes I am not really sure other than that what and online graduation n is Like that why I was writing this thread to see if any has attended one. As you can seee from the description it doesnt seem to that exciting at all . I can see my name roll across the screen anytime I want just write a program that does it ! lol but I was wondering if I was missing something or I had the wrong idea of an online graduation. I am not opposed to admitting I am wrong. But if is like I think its going to be I think its going to( for lack of a better term) suck big time !:mad:

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