DL Network and Information Security courses?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by geckoz, Mar 30, 2001.

  1. geckoz

    geckoz New Member

    Hi all,
    I'm looking for DL delivered courses that cover network and/or information security.

    The requirement is that the course does not need a completed degree in computer science as a prerequisite (I'm only 40% through mine). I have been in the IT industry as a software developer and sys admin for the last 4 years, so that should be adequate prepration in my opinion.

    I need to get up to speed on network security within six months.

    Does anyone know of such a course?

  2. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

    If memory serves, one of Regis Universty's required courses for the M.S. in computer information systems focuses on security issues, and the program, being designed and maintained in consultation with Sun Microsystems, should be up-to-speed. It should be possible to take the course as a non-degree seeking student.

    Good luck!


    Tom Head

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