I find learning from lectures, then reading to reinforce materials learnt in class more useful than other methods (i.e. just read the book). Recorded video (i.e like Berkeley or MIT opencourseware) will work if live online video lectures are not available. I noticed Indiana U. (Kelly) has some courses with live interaction/audio-visual, however was wondering if other AACSB MBAs offer that option too. With cisco becoming a player in HD video conferencing, I am hopeful that the internet courses will be much more interactive than it is now. I understand why a school may not want to use skype, but there are other simple conferencing tools available (eg gotomeeting) that can help with live instructions. I inquired with UMass Amherst, but did not receive a reply yet. Does anyone have feedback for UMass Amherst online MBA program? Thanks very much in advance.
The AACSB accredited MBA program at the University of North Dakota indicates live web classes are held once a week. Tuition is also in-state regardless of residency status. Master of Business Administration (MBA) | Online & Distance Education
I think Colorado State or University of Colorado has video lecture for the courses in MBA; however, I don't think they hold live video lectures. Capitol College delivery live lecture through webcast/audio.
Both St Leo and Regis advertise use of video lectures and as mentioned earlier, so does Colorado State. Also, Auburn has video lectures as well as Northern Alabama (which is your cheapest bet). Online MBA Program Master of Business Administration - Regis University CPS - MBA Degree Program Distance Learning FAQ « MBA Columbia Southern University - About University of North Alabama Depending on the course there are many fine videos on Youtube which might help you if your program doesn't have videos. I'm taking an econ course right now and have found many useful videos online.