Distance Learning Raised by 13% in the Past Year

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Josephpuzzler, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. Josephpuzzler

    Josephpuzzler New Member

    More than 20,000 students registered at least to a course of distance learning for a public university in last year, according to a new report of the South Dakota Board of Regents.

    The number of students that was extracting profit of the distance learning courses raised 13% in last year, augmenting an increase of five years of almost 71%.

    The typical distance student in South Dakota is an undergraduate (77%), part-time enrolled (70%) and female (64%), according to the Board of Regents report. While a majority of distance-based students are South Dakota residents, out-of-state students represent 29% of the total.

    South Dakota State University accounted for the most students enrolled in distance courses last year; the University of South Dakota offered the most course sections by distance.

    The State University of South Dakota represented the majority of the students inscribed in the distance learning courses last year, the University of the South Dakota offered to the majority of the sections of distance learning course.

    Post more distance learning news here which are latest.

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    With the current economy and job issues. People are more likely to stay in the workforce while attending for school. Some undergraduate students can rack it up fast to graduate. There are certain schools offer if undergraduate student takes more than 15 credits pay flat rate. So, these reasons online is more popular...not necessary easier, but more flexible.

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