Distance DEd/PhD in Education at a reasonable cost-DOES IT EXIST?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by jimwe, Jun 24, 2001.

  1. jimwe

    jimwe Member

    I've looked at some programs for post MA in Education and none seem to be reasonable except for UNISA. Are there any other programs besides this one? I'm not too interested in paying $3000. at Capella to take 6 hours at a time, which is all I can do now due to my job. Any comments?
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I think if you have looked at UNISA, you are probably looking at the best otpion for affordability and quality. Check with whichever entity you are planning to use it with.

    There of course are other options. Oral Roberts University has a secular Ed.D. in Leadership (superintendents and non superintendent track). Fairly affordable for a US program and done through 2 week summer sessions. independent study, and internet.

    I believe there is also an Ed.D. through Nebraska. There are also Ed.D's in various fields at Regents University. Check out http://www.bakersguide.com then choos doctoral and then click on comprehensive list. If you go to his online resources you will find the link for Jonnies page which has an extensive list of doctoral programs.

    Good luck. If UNISA meets you needs then you have probably found affordability and credibility. If you need a US degree then look at the other options.


  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Pardon me (editing)

    I think if you have looked at UNISA, you are probably looking at the best option for affordability and quality. Check with whichever entity you are planning to use it with.

    There of course are other options. Oral Roberts University has a secular Ed.D. in Leadership (superintendents and non superintendent track). Fairly affordable for a US program and done through 2 week summer sessions. independent study, and internet.

    I believe there is also an Ed.D. through Nebraska. There are also Ed.D's in various fields at Regents University. Check out http://www.bakersguide.com then choose doctoral and then click on comprehensive list. If you go to his online resources you will find the link for Jonnies page which has an extensive list of doctoral programs.

    Good luck. If UNISA meets you needs then you have probably found affordability and credibility. If you need a US degree then look at the other options.


  4. DWCox

    DWCox member

    Check out Northcentral University, although NCU doesn't offer doctorates in Education, you might be able to tailor a program in Psychology to meet your needs.

    Good Luck!

  5. Jeffrey Ahrendt

    Jeffrey Ahrendt New Member

    Although it is not a doctoral degree, you might be interested in the EdS program in Educational Technology offered by the University of Missouri-Columbia. It is a top-notch DL program from a respected, well-known major research institution and it is relatively cheap (about $188 per credit for in or out of state students). Because a few of the required courses are not offered online, the program is not as well publicized as the MEd program I am participating in. However, those courses can be taken at another institution and transeferred in. I have found the courses offered by MU to be challenging, interesting, and most importantly, useful as a professional educator. http://www.coe.missouri.edu/~muedtech/
    Contact Dr. Klimczak for additional information.

    Valdosta State University in Georgia offers a complete EdS program online , but it quite a bit more expensive for non-Georgia residents. http://teach.valdosta.edu/edsonline/edsonline.html
  6. messelen

    messelen New Member

    UNISA (University of South-Africa).

    Try IACI in Canada they will help you.

    IACI is an educational organization, which provides administrative support to Unisa's students. Website address: [email protected]
  7. bgossett

    bgossett New Member

    I note that in your profile you also give this URL as your homepage. It is customary here when making recommendations of this nature to disclose any affiliation.

    Bill Gossett
  8. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Welcome, Dr. Esselen. Shouldn't that be "we will help you"?

    BTW, Dr. Esselen was very prompt, thorough, and helpful when a couple of us inquired about UNISA programs through them.

    Rich Douglas
  9. T. Nichols

    T. Nichols New Member

    Is there anyone with any experience with the Ed.D. from liberty.edu? They look like they have a decent program, it is RA, and appears to be quite resonable at $200.00 SH.


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