Discrimination at work.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by bo79, Dec 8, 2003.

  1. Han

    Han New Member

    I have a cousin that has a toungue ring, and wonders why people make comments.

    I have a friend who has long hair (guy) and wonders why people ask about it at work.

    When you do someting that is vastly different from a majority of sociaety, you will get asked the question from time to time. To stretch that from questions to discrimination is not right. There are clackers at work that fit a host of demographics. I am a higher income family, a republican (don't use that against me board), but know it DOES take a village and I find it a part of me to donate to those who need it.

    I hope you never get behind in your luck, you never lose your job, you never need a helping hand. Though I have not, I donate a portion of my paycheck to those who do get down on their luck, and I hope I would get the same in return if I ever needed it. There are those who take advantage, but there are some that just need help occasionally - and those I don't mind helping.

    Bo - By the way, Merry Christmas!

    Just as a side note, the Darwin award this year went to a guy who mugged a 65 year old Salvation Army volunteer in front of a Wal-Mart - he hit her to the ground and took the red bucket of money. As he ran to the street, he was run over by a car and died.

    Probably you are wondering, yes the 65 year old volunteer only had minor injuries and is fine.

    I tell this story becuase it is easy to get into why a person might feel discriminated, why they might think the rest of the world is against them, but I think if you do the right thing, always put yourself in others shoes, things tend to work themselves out.
  2. chris

    chris New Member

    Bo, have you actually read the posts?

    It takes children to keep a society going, period. Without them society expires when the last old geezer draws a breath, period. In many European countries with negative population growth they actually pay people to have children so there is someone to carry the torch for the old people on pensions. Writing a book does nothing to help society continue past the current generation, having children does. Guess what? A dissertation is a book but no one will give me any time off to write it. The childless do have an easier life and Linda Lee could write her book easily if she were to give up some of her party time. I will write a dissertation while working and being a parent so I don't feel the least bit sorry for Linda Lee. You keep screaming about FMLA but I have seen far more people use it to take care of a parent or spouse than a child simply because parents can rarely afford the time off. GET INFORMED before you debate. Parents don't get tax credits regardless of income. My wife and I get next to none. WE don't qualify for EIC and get very little for the child care credit. What we do get doesn't even begin to make up for the extra taxes we pay because of the marriage penalty. Is it fair to penalize people because they are married and not just living together?? I don't get any credits for mine or my children's education, either. GET INFORMED before you debate. I have never seen anyone work extra hours at work because they were childless. I have seen them voluntarily work overtime for the extra money. Something they can do much easier than someone who would have to get a babysitter. Overtime at work is such a desirable thing it is based on seniority and the parents rarely get the opportunity. Once again, an advantage not a disadvantage for the childless . This is a debate you are incapable of conducting because you have not experienced both sides of the coin. If you had children you WOULD feel different but because you don't you really won't/can't/don't know. I have never had a child out of wedlock and have never had one on welfare. I do pay a crapload of taxes, though. Equating every family with that is a reach and a desperate grab for someone on a baseless rant.

    BO, here are the facts!

    * widespread abuse of the childless by workers with kids is a myth living on only in your head. Stop feeling sorry for youself.

    * Without children there will be NO ONE to take care of your hedonistic self when you get old, or to pay taxes to support your pension.

    * Families spend far more of their income locally than singles. Singles buy THINGS or travel as you said. In the USA, most THINGS are imported. Families buy SERVICES and HOMES which are produced locally. Our money goes much further in the domestic economy and your very job may be based on family spending.

    * Without parents, society collapses. Without single adults, there is just fewer people to whine about being abused. Whom can society live without?

    You, bo, need to seriously wise up if you want to last very long in the business world. A manager with your attitude will have serious troubles with employee relations. Unhappy employees = poor production = manager out on his a$$. And bo, thank god your parents weren't like you because if they had been, there would be NO BO.
  3. AWN

    AWN New Member

    With all due respect but I think you are completely missing the point. Children are a gift from God, children are the future of our countries (the world). Shouldn't their guardians/parents be given extra privilege(s) so as to train and mold their future or to take care of them when they are sick? In my opinion they should.

    This doesn't mean that people without kids shouldn't be given something extra, but that is left to the discretion of the employer.
  4. Han

    Han New Member

    Re: Bo, have you actually read the posts?

    I think bo is in HR, so probably wont' have a problem. (I am sorry, this is funny to me with my experiences with HR personnel, and I have tried to resist the entire thread - and do not mean it viciously, just in good fun). :D

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