Denied admission to Governors State University BOG Program need help!!

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by bceagles, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. bceagles

    bceagles Member

    In my pursuit for an alternative to the “Big 3”, I discovered the Board of Governors Program at Governors State University (B&M school about 25 miles south of Chicago). The program is designed (as stated by the university) for working adults to obtain a BA with a minor. No Application fee. You are only required to take 15 credits through the university (at only $120 or so per credit). They offer all types of distance learning methods: online classes, correspondence courses, portfolio assessment, etc. They also accept Clep, Dantes, and ECE exams for credit. Sounds like a good deal right??

    I received a letter stating that they are still reviewing my application, pending receipt of one of my transcripts (I sent them transcripts from 5 or so schools). Yesterday, excited to start taking exams, I contacted the BOG office to find out who my advisor was and to check the status of my final transcript. My advisor informed me of her decision to not accept my application. She informed me that the GPA of my transferred credits was to low! Don’t get me wrong, my transcripts look like crap!! I was 18 years old!! I didn’t know at the time that you could drop a course instead of receiving an F! Now that I’m 30 I would think that a degree program for working adults would not hold my GPA from my teenage years against me. I briefly stated my case to my advisor. She instructed me to wait until I get my official reject letter and then to petition for admission. A slight blow to my confidence!

    Should I petition for admission?

    Should I take the path of least resistance and enroll in one of the big 3?

    Would I have this type of problem with the big 3?

    Having about 40 lower level credits with a low GPA, should I consider one of the big 3 over another?

    What would/did you do in this situation?

    Thanks for the input!!!
  2. hockeyfan

    hockeyfan New Member

    If you really like the BOG degree program, my advice to you is to take a few DL courses, put forth maximum effort and do your best in the classes.

    Assuming you get A's or B's in these classes, you can then try reapplying to the BOG program again. You said they only require 15 credits taken with BOG, so what do you have to lose? If you are not accepted at a later date you can simply switch course and go with one of the "Big Three".
  3. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    I would petition. Unless you are demographically incorrect, the writing skills you show in your post should help your case. Look, Governors was set up as the catchment basin for folks who couldn't hack the worst of the Chicago community colleges, which were set up at the catchment basin for folks who couldn't hack Chicago State, which was set up as...

    Having said that, do I think the actual BoG program at Governors is worthwhile? Yes, I do. It may well be the one progressive thing about one of the most glaring examples of social-promotion going to college that the distinctive politics of greater Chicagoland has coughed up. I say this so that if it turns out you don't get in, you don't take it too personally. Now, if you do get in, exploit the opportunity for all it's worth! Bizarre motives behind an institution don't necessarily preclude its being useful to you.

    Big 3? All the reports here are pretty positive, and there have been links in the past to specific information on big 3 admissions support (label a thread with that and somebody who knows this stuff should likely respond).

    I have no firsthand exposure to these programs, but hockeyfan's advice sounds sensible to me. Take a course or two, start slowly, and do the work well. Then another, then another. Surely accumulating a *coherent* handful of courses, focused around a definite theme or area of study (call it a crypto-major, if you will :rolleyes: ) will in due course impress somebody's admissions machine. Whatever you do DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED BY A BUREAUCRATIC DECISION. (Yes, I'm hollering.) You have already shown realism and initiative in taking your interest this far. Keep it up. I am sure that after the exasperating process of finding a "good fit", you will do well. Keep the end goal in mind always.
  4. bceagles

    bceagles Member

    Thanks for all your help & encouragement!

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