DBA/Ph.D search

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by ITJD, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. ITJD

    ITJD Active Member

    Following up on this though my replies are very late.

    What I ended up doing was applying to the DSU D.Sc in Information Systems. I was declined admission with competitive scores and no feedback and presumed it was due to applying with a MBA on the record and not a masters in IT or IA. So I went back to WGU for their MSISA. When I finish that I'll re-evaluate the distance learning options as the market changes year to year.

    While all this was going on, I changed jobs twice and my spouse was accepted to a doctoral program at UNISA. Due to all of this my focused question about business schools just expanded to being the best of three options, either business, law or technology doctorates and the jury is out for the moment.

    I opted against GCU because I align myself as a religious agnostic and I didn't want to attend a Christian university with strong leanings.

    Thanks all.
  2. denzaltrueman

    denzaltrueman New Member

    I've considered the reqs for the In system. While it's attractive because of the Ph.D status and the technological innovation element suits right into my primary proficiency, I'm converted off by the experience of it.
  3. FJD

    FJD Member

    Oh, I'm sure you'll do just fine.

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