Creative or Fiction Writing or Degree?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by brucemarnold, Apr 19, 2001.

  1. brucemarnold

    brucemarnold New Member


    Can anyone recommend a good Creative Writing or Fiction Bachelor's or Master's degree program? I have found the ones from Norwich, Goddard, and Goucher, but if you have any other ideas, including non-U.S. programs, please fire away.
  2. brucemarnold

    brucemarnold New Member

    I wish I could edit the Topic name.. take out the last 'or' :)

  3. Justin Wells

    Justin Wells New Member

    Antioch University ( has two options. The Los Angeles campus offers a short-residency M.F.A. writers program: five 10-day residencies over two-and-a-half years. And creative writing is a popular field for the individualized M.A. degree offered through the Yellow Springs, OH, campus.
  4. A few more for you -- all except the U of Washington certificate programs require some residency.

    Antioch University, Los Angeles: MFA in Creative Writing
    Bennington College: Master of Fine Arts in Writing and Literature
    Seton Hill College: Master of Arts in Writing Popular Fiction
    University of Washington: Certificate program with four tracks: Fiction Writing, Nonfiction Writing, Poetry, Writing for Children.

    Links to these and other communication, journalism, writing programs at

    Kristin Evenson Hirst

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