Computer Science or Security Online Degree in Quebec France or ES Canada

Discussion in 'IT and Computer-Related Degrees' started by mARC DENVER, Mar 1, 2022.


    mARC DENVER New Member

    asking for my french lady friend :)
    Could you please list completely accredited affordable French Language taught online degrees on computer science, computer security, or informatics In Québec, Canada or in France.
    but also any affordable Accredited online universities in English speaking Canada.
    In case someone doesn't know Québec is the French-speaking part of Canada.

    The information found in this forum is so useful my friend wanted to ask something as well. :)
  2. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    Where is your friend located (what province/state and country)? What will be an affordable school if she lives in Quebec may change if she lives in another Canadian province or outside Canada for example. Quebec tuition fees are generally the lowest in Canada but only if you are a resident there.
    mARC DENVER likes this.

    mARC DENVER New Member

    My friend is resident in Montreal Quebec Canada.
    Thanks for the help.
  4. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    Teluq offers several programs in French in computer science including a Bachelor's degree (, they're part of Université du Quebec. Tuition is likely very cheap, around $2500 CAD per year for a Quebec resident. Courses are taken via distance learning and awarded by the Université du Quebec.
    mARC DENVER likes this.

    mARC DENVER New Member

    teluq is a good suggestion for the thread. Is anyone familiar with the tuition at teluq. I found the following information At (
    Canadian citizen or permanent resident who provided, upon admission, proof of residence in Quebec
    $90.84 per credit
    $272.52 for a 3 credit course
    If you were born in Quebec, you belong to this group.
    Proof of residence is a legible copy of the birth certificate.
    Here ( it says the computer science distance program has 60 credits.
    So 60×273 equals 16,380 CAD. Does anyone have any experience with the pricing?

    anyone know of any distance computer science oonline degree University located in France?
  6. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    MATH ERROR. IT DOES NOT COMPUTE! It's 272.52 for a 3 credit course. Not for one single credit.

    The program is 60 credits so that's 20 x 272.52, (20 x 3 credits = 60 credits)

    It costs $5, 550.40, not $16,380. There, I just saved you $11 grand. ...

    Vous feriez bien de revoir les bases de l'arithmétique, afin d'économiser de l'argent, Marc. :)
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2022
    Dustin and mARC DENVER like this.
  7. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Et moi aussi. I goofed by about $100 on the high side. It's actually $5,451. Another $100 or so saved. Dustin is right. (He always is.) Tuition is very low for residents, in PQ.

    Marc, je vous prie d'accepter mes excuses. :)
    mARC DENVER likes this.
  8. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I note something else. 20 courses, 60 credits looks like a 2-year program. And so does the tuition. Does this program start from ground zero? It's too short for a bachelor's, unless there's some advanced standing required. Does an applicant need CEGEP graduation or...?

    If advanced standing is not required, is it possibly a 2-yr associate degree and not a bachelor's? I don't know whether they have 2-yr associate degrees nowadays in PQ or not... They do in AB and BC.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2022
    mARC DENVER likes this.

    mARC DENVER New Member

    My Savior. Thank you for correcting the math. Maybe an administrator wants to edit out the mistake. So far excellent information.
  10. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Here's some more. This is NOT a Bachelor's. 60 credits means it's a "majeure" diploma, in the "premier cycle universitaire." That is, it's equivalent to 2 years of the bachelor's degree - which is 3-year (90 credits) or 4-year (120 credits.)

    The course page you gave clearly indicates what it is - and this other site explains this stuff in English.éat
    Dustin and mARC DENVER like this.
  11. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info Johann! Mon français est très mauvais, and my knowledge of the Quebec education system even worse.
  12. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I'm learning about the ed. system as I go. It's well... different, all right. I like it a lot, so far. And their legal system, based on the Code Napoléon is different, too. In my work days, I've been in PQ courtrooms a couple of times - not as a defendant, of course - at least not yet. :) A good learning experience - and I'm sure their fine schools provide many more good learning experiences. Good enough that US student enrolment at PQ universities is up 50% in recent years. Even paying 'outsider' rates, many Americans find they can complete a whole degree there for the price of one year at a good (and expensive) American school.

    Vive la différence! :)
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2022
    SteveFoerster and Dustin like this.
  13. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Sorry. Writing PQ is old school. Too late to alter. Wrote it by reflex. It's now QC. I have to be PC - politically correct.
  14. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    One of my kids took French throughout high school and enjoyed a visit to Québec, and because of that considered applying to Université Laval. (He ended up doing film school in-state, though, the price difference wasn't that bad.)
  15. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Je comprends. Chacun à son goût. Je lui souhaite bonne chance! :)

    (I understand. To each his own. I wish him well.)
    Dustin likes this.
  16. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I used this as a search term - it turns up a LOT of worthwhile stuff: "baccalauréat à distance en informatique ou en sécurité" - got a LOT of schools, both in Québec and France. Any schools you're interested in, but think the accreditation might be doubtful -- let us know, we'll look into them. If you do the same search in English - Add Québec and / or France you'll get some with courses in English.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2022
    Dustin likes this.

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